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Лучшие автосервисы в 50 штатах Америки, 2021 г.

Выбор лучшей автомастерской позаботиться о ваших потребностях в обслуживании или ремонте - сложная задача для многих людей. У авторемонтных мастерских не самая лучшая репутация.

Если они не завышают вас, они рекомендуют ненужный ремонт. Некоторые даже не смогут вовремя отремонтировать ваш автомобиль, тем самым нарушив вашу жизнь. Автомобиль — это не только важный актив; это также помогает нам добраться до работы, собраний и других мероприятий. Мы подготовили список лучших авторемонтных мастерских в США.

Как вы скоро узнаете из этого списка, лучшие автомастерские — это те, в которых работают опытные механики, которые работают некоторое время и эффективно общаются со своими клиентами.

Некоторые другие факторы, которые, по-видимому, имеют лучшие автосервисы, — это сертификация Automotive Service Excellence для магазина и механиков. Сертификация ASE — это золотой стандарт в этой отрасли.

У них хорошие отзывы на таких сайтах, как BBB, Yelp и Angie’s list. Гарантии и гарантии на детали и работу важны, поскольку они дают вам уверенность в том, что если что-то пойдет не так, мастерская все исправит.

Лучшие автосервисы в 50 штатах Америки, 2021 г.

Если вы механик и хотите, чтобы ваш магазин был включен в этот список, не стесняйтесь представить свой магазин ЗДЕСЬ.

Перейдите к своему штату, чтобы найти ближайшие магазины:

  • Алабама
  • Аляска
  • Аризона
  • Арканзас
  • Иллинойс
  • Индиана
  • Айова
  • Канзас
  • Миссури
  • Монтана
  • Небраска
  • Невада
  • Орегон
  • Пенсильвания
  • Род-Айленд
  • Южная Каролина
  • Висконсин
  • Вайоминг
  • Калифорния
  • Колорадо
  • Коннектикут
  • Делавэр
  • Кентукки
  • Луизиана
  • Мэн
  • Мэриленд
  • Нью-Гэмпшир
  • Нью-Джерси
  • Нью-Мексико
  • Нью-Йорк
  • Южная Дакота
  • Теннесси
  • Техас
  • Юта
  • Флорида
  • Грузия
  • Гавайи
  • Айдахо
  • Массачусетс
  • Мичиган
  • Миннесота
  • Миссисипи
  • Северная Каролина
  • Северная Дакота
  • Огайо
  • Оклахома
  • Вермонт
  • Вирджиния
  • Вашингтон
  • Западная Вирджиния


  • 1 лучшая автомастерская в Алабаме
  • 2 лучших автосервиса на Аляске
  • 3 лучших автосервиса в Аризоне
  • 4 лучших автосервиса в Арканзасе
  • 5 лучших автосервисов в Калифорнии
  • 6 лучших автосервисов в Колорадо
  • 7 лучших автомастерских в Коннектикуте
  • 8 лучших автосервисов в Делавэре
  • 9 лучших автосервисов во Флориде
  • 10 лучших автомастерских в Грузии
  • 11 лучших автосервисов на Гавайях
  • 12 лучших автомастерских в Айдахо
  • 13 лучших автомастерских в Иллинойсе
  • 14 лучших автосервисов в Индиане
  • 15 лучших автосервисов в Айове
  • 16 лучших автосервисов в Канзасе
  • 17 лучших автосервисов в Кентукки
  • 18 лучших автомастерских в Луизиане
  • 19 лучших автомастерских в штате Мэн
  • 20 лучших автомастерских в Мэриленде
  • 21 лучшая автомастерская в Массачусетсе
  • 22 лучших автосервиса в Мичигане
  • 23 лучших автосервиса в Миннесоте
  • 24 лучших автосервиса в Миссисипи
  • 25 лучших автосервисов в Миссури
  • 26 лучших автомастерских в Монтане
  • 27 лучших автомастерских в Небраске
  • 28 лучших автомастерских в Неваде
  • 29 лучших автомастерских в Нью-Гэмпшире
  • 30 лучших автомастерских в Нью-Джерси
  • 31 лучшая автомастерская в Нью-Мексико
  • 32 лучших автосервиса Нью-Йорка
  • 33 лучших автосервиса в Северной Каролине
  • 34 лучших автосервиса в Северной Дакоте
  • 35 лучших автомастерских в Огайо
  • 36 лучших автосервисов в Оклахоме
  • 37 лучших автомастерских в Орегоне
  • 38 лучших автосервисов в Пенсильвании
  • 39 лучших автосервисов в Род-Айленде
  • 40 лучших автомастерских в Южной Каролине
  • 41 лучшая автомастерская в Южной Дакоте
  • 42 лучших автосервиса в Теннесси
  • 43 лучших автосервиса в Техасе
  • 44 лучших автосервиса в Юте
  • 45 лучших автомастерских в Вермонте
  • 46 лучших автомастерских в Вирджинии
  • 47 лучших автосервисов в Вашингтоне
  • 48 лучших автомастерских в Западной Вирджинии
  • 49 лучших автомастерских в Висконсине
  • 50 лучших автомастерских в Вайоминге

Лучшая автомастерская в Алабаме

Магазин Город Адрес Телефон Услуги Alabama Auto Service CenterDaphne28160 Highway 98251-626-0002MechanicalB &D AutomotiveSouth Robertsdale22345 C Highway 59251-947-4400MechanicalCobb Automotive и шины CenterOxford1724 Highway 21 South256-835-7505MechanicalMoore Brothers Automotive LLCMontevallo3919 Highway 25205-665-1099MechanicalJarrell в Go Autoboss Шины и ServiceFoley1904 North McKenzie Street251-210- 5129Механические композиционныеiford's AutomotiveMobile105 пограничный круг East
MeasicalTag AutomotiveHuntsville110, 8-й улица Northwest256-539-0471MechanicalRob'e Mans Automotive ServiceHomewood2600 18-я улица на юго -205-518-9511 MCGUGUGUGIN AUTO REPORTSMOBILE2510 Hillcrest Road251-643-1741MechancialEvans Automotivelothan102 6th Ave334-500-4327Механический

Автосервис и ремонт шин Windham

Местоположение :5455 Hwy 280 С. Бирмингем, Алабама

Веб-сайт :


  • Диагностика двигателя и проверка производительности
  • Шиносервис, система TPMS и сход-развал
  • Проверка и ремонт стартера, системы зарядки и аккумуляторной батареи.
  • Смена масла и фильтров
  • Ремонт оси
  • Осмотр, ремонт и замена ремней и шлангов
  • Ремонт системы кондиционирования
  • Ремонт тормозов
  • Ремонт бортовых электронных систем
  • Ремонт выхлопной системы
  • Техническое обслуживание

Почему стоит выбрать Windham Tire &Auto Repair?

  • Скромный семейный автомагазин с индивидуальным обслуживанием.
  • Более 20 лет опыта в ремонте и обслуживании автомобилей
  • Партнерство с лучшими брендами, включая Michelin, BF Goodrich, NITTO, General Tyres и т. д.
  • Есть купоны для клиентов, чтобы сэкономить деньги

Мастерская Sledge’s Body Shop

Местоположение :2828 Jordan Lane NW, Хантсвилл, Алабама

Веб-сайт :


  • Устранение повреждений при столкновении
  • Покраска

Почему стоит выбрать Sledge’s Body Shop?

  • Предложение специализированных услуг по ремонту и покраске.
  • Закажите круглосуточную службу эвакуации
  • Предоставить бесплатную оценку стоимости поврежденных автомобилей.
  • Предоставлять клиентам еженедельные отчеты о ходе ремонта.
  • Предоставить ограниченную пожизненную гарантию на работу и материалы.

Paul's Automotive Inc.

Местоположение :7740 Highland Ave. Mobile, AL



  • Диагностика, ремонт и замена двигателя
  • Компьютерная диагностика
  • Обслуживание кондиционера
  • Проверка и ремонт/замена трансмиссии, ремней, шлангов, выхлопной системы, подвески, тормозов, осей CV, кондиционера и т. д.
  • Ремонт и настройка автомобилей
  • Смазка шасси
  • Профилактическое обслуживание
  • Развал-схождение
  • Ремонт электрических систем
  • Замена батареи

Почему стоит выбрать Paul’s Automotive Inc.?

  • Предоставляется трансфер для клиентов.
  • Обслуживает все типы транспортных средств, отечественных и зарубежных
  • Предоставляет бесплатные советы и рекомендации по поддержанию надлежащего состояния автомобиля.
  • Предложить финансирование на 12 месяцев после одобрения.

Сервисный центр и сервисный центр Gray's Tire

Местоположение: 5840 Ист Ширли Лейн Монтгомери, Алабама

Веб-сайт :


  • Диагностика двигателя, проверка работоспособности и ремонт
  • Ремонт дизельных двигателей
  • Ремонт системы кондиционирования
  • Развал-схождение
  • Осмотр и ремонт тормозов, трансмиссии, рулевого управления, подвески, выхлопной системы, системы охлаждения, оси, ШРУСа и карданного вала.
  • Проверка и ремонт полноприводных автомобилей
  • Профилактическое обслуживание
  • Ремонт дифференциала
  • Развал-схождение и шиномонтаж

Почему стоит выбрать сервисный центр Gray’s Tire &Service Center?

  • Нанимает только техников, сертифицированных ASE Master.
  • Имеет несколько магазинов в Алабаме.
  • Это также полноценный магазин шин.
  • Есть несколько специальных предложений, особенно на шины.

Лучшая автомастерская на Аляске

Магазин Город Адрес Телефон Услуги DEANS AUTOMOTIVE SERVEANCHORAGE1131 E 7th AVE907-276-5731MechanicalCPR AUTOMOTIVE LLCANCHORAGE1341 BRAGAW PREET907-277-2886MECHANICLEBLICLEBLEBLEBLEBLEY Automotive Mobile Mechanic ServicesWasilly1825 N Silver Pond CIR # 1907-315-7453MechanicalAlignation Center и Alaska Car &Truck Anchorage100 E 51st AVE907-563-3773MechanicalTudor Авто и грузовик Anchorage411 W. Tudor Road855-311-6510MechanicalWasilla Family Auto LLCWasilla2300 North Уэсилла Fishhook Road907-373-1948MechanicalEdmonds Импорт AutoPalmer1880 Гленн Hwy855-277-2119MechanicalAftershock Automotive LLCHomer3245 East End Road907-235-2700MechanicalAlaska Chevron ServiceFairbanks333 Illinois Street (855) 919-0588MechanicalFrontline AutomotiveSouth Fairbanks1432 университет пр.(855) 815-1733Механический

Американские шины и автомобили

Местоположение :832 E 4th Ave, Анкоридж, AK

Веб-сайт :


  • Проверьте индикатор двигателя и обслуживание двигателя
  • Компьютерная диагностика
  • Тормозная служба
  • Техническое обслуживание системы охлаждения
  • Плановое техническое обслуживание через 30, 60 и 90 тыс.
  • Ремонт шин
  • Балансировка колес
  • Замена масла
  • Электроснабжение
  • Вытяжная служба
  • Осмотр и ремонт подвески, амортизаторов, стоек, трансмиссии, радиатора, CV, ведущего моста и т. д.
  • Служба TPMS

Почему выбирают American Tire &Auto?

  • Предложить финансирование автосервиса
  • ВСЕ автомобильные услуги доступны в American Tire &Auto.
  • Управляйте всеми типами транспортных средств, включая грузовики.
  • Открыть 5 магазинов в Фэрбенксе и Анкоридже.
  • Предоставить бесплатные расценки на ремонтные работы (можно запросить онлайн)

Автомобильная компания Big O

Местоположение :2401 E 4-я авеню Анкоридж, штат Аляска

Веб-сайт :


  • Диагностика и ремонт двигателя
  • Доработки
  • Различные услуги
  • Ремонт тормозов
  • Компьютеризированная развал-схождение 2-х и 4-х колес
  • Ремонт и замена компонентов рулевого управления
  • Ремонт коробки передач
  • Услуги по техническому обслуживанию автомобилей

Почему стоит выбрать Big O's Automotive?

  • Большой опыт. Работает с 1977 года.
  • Местная собственность и управление. Сделано с учетом потребностей жителей Анкориджа.
  • Предлагает полный спектр автомобильных услуг.
  • Имеет скидки для различных групп, в том числе скидки для военных, скидки для пенсионеров, скидки для студентов и т. д.
  • В компании работают 12 технических специалистов, сертифицированных ASE и имеющих более 200 лет опыта работы.

Гейб ремонтирует грузовики и автомобили

Местоположение :2015 г., Фрэнк Авеню, Фэрбенкс, штат Калифорния.

Веб-сайт :


  • Ремонт подвески, рулевого управления, трансмиссии, выхлопной системы, сцепления, тормозов, топливной системы, амортизаторов, стоек и т. д.
  • Компьютерная диагностика
  • Осмотр, ремонт и замена блока двигателя
  • Проверка производительности двигателя
  • Доработки
  • Проверки выбросов
  • Ремонт топливной системы
  • Замена ремней, шлангов и фильтров
  • Периодическое обслуживание
  • Монтаж шин и балансировка колес
  • Ремонт шин
  • Ремонт системы кондиционирования

Почему стоит выбрать компанию Gabe's Truck &Auto Repair?

  • Предлагайте клиентам услуги буксировки.
  • Имейте пакеты для автопарков (в случае транспортных средств компании или транзитных компаний)
  • Получите послепродажный ремонт с расширенной гарантией
  • 40-летний опыт ремонта и обслуживания автомобилей
  • Управляйте грузовиками и легковым автомобилем
  • Есть специальные пакеты для военнослужащих.

Исправить Авто Джуно

Местоположение :9940 Crazy Horse Доктор Джуно, AK

Веб-сайт :


  • Устранение столкновений
  • Ремонт крыла
  • Ремонт вмятин
  • Ремонт краски
  • Ремонт лобового стекла
  • Ремонт бампера

Почему стоит выбрать Fix Auto Джуно?

  • Независимое владение и управление, несмотря на то, что он входит в группу магазинов Fix Auto.
  • Специализируюсь на кузовных и покрасочных работах.
  • Предлагайте ограниченную пожизненную гарантию на каждую ремонтную работу.

Лучшая автомастерская в Аризоне

Магазин Город Адрес Телефон Услуги Александра Авто RepairPhoenix3310 E Thomas Road602-956-3781MechanicalHalf Цена Auto RepairPhoenix7329 W Indian School Road623-848-1970MechanicalGood Works Auto RepairTempe2348 E. Broadway Road480-568-4290MechanicalDave МАШИНА CareGlendale5102 W. Peoria Ave602-714-1200MechanicalBullitt AutomotiveTempe1375 S МакКлинток Drive480-446-0484MechanicalBest Deal Auto Body ShopGlendale5511 N 51-й Ave # 109602-497-3006AutoBodyAirpark Столкновение CenterScottsdale7333 East Butherus Drive Ste A-200480-485-9953AutoBodyArizona Столкновение CenterTempe215 S Industrial Drive480-668-3105AutoBodySafePro Auto GlassPhoenix2375 E Camelback Road # 600480-398-2251Auto GlassBlue Чип Авто GlassPhoenix2214 W.Bell Road602-885-5330Автостекло

Чандлер по уходу за автомобилем в пустыне

Местоположение :95 North Dobson Road, Чандлер, Аризона

Веб-сайт :


  • Техническое обслуживание и ремонт через 30 , 60  и 90 000 км
  • Диагностика автомобиля
  • Диагностика и ремонт Check Engine Light
  • Работа двигателя
  • Ремонт и обслуживание тормозов
  • Настройка двигателя
  • Осмотр и ремонт кондиционеров
  • Услуга по замене масла
  • Проверка и ремонт топливной системы
  • Обслуживание и ремонт гидроусилителя руля
  • Развал-схождение
  • Проверка выбросов и ремонт системы выбросов

Почему стоит выбрать Desert Car Care Chandler?

  • Предлагайте 25-месячную или 40-километровую гарантию на запчасти и работу.
  • Обучать владельцев автомобилей и водителей и расширять их возможности с помощью организованных общественных автосервисов.
  • Клиенты получают скидку 10 долларов США на любую услугу стоимостью более 100 долларов США.
  • Высокая репутация. Был показан на abc15 Arizona, Fox 10 Phoenix, The Huffington Post и т. д.
  • Награжден за образцовую службу
  • Разработайте программу поощрения клиентов.
  • Бесплатный трансфер и прокат автомобилей
  • Бесплатный Wi-Fi, кофе и вода для клиентов

Автосервис Early

Местоположение :25 S 64th St. Mesa, AZ

Веб-сайт :


  • Компьютерная диагностика
  • Ремонт, замена и проверка двигателя
  • Диагностика и ремонт кондиционеров
  • Проверка, ремонт и замена электрических систем
  • Развал-схождение и ремонт рулевого колеса
  • Ремонт и замена выхлопа
  • Ремонт тормозной и антитормозной системы
  • Доработки
  • Замена масла
  • Проверки выбросов
  • Техническое обслуживание и техническое обслуживание через 30, 60, 90 и 120 тысяч миль
  • Технический осмотр

Почему стоит выбрать Early's Auto Repair?

  • Предоставить полную историю обслуживания и ремонта вашего автомобиля по вашему запросу.
  • Купоны доступны для бесплатных услуг и услуг со скидкой.
  • Обработка автомобилей как отечественных, так и зарубежных марок.
  • Объект очень аккуратный и ухоженный

Гараж Джонсона Пола

Местоположение: 18:00 N 35th Avenue, Финикс, Аризона



  • Полная диагностика системы
  • Ремонт и техническое обслуживание автомобилей (включая кондиционеры, карбюраторы, бортовые компьютеры и т. д.)
  • Проверка и ремонт двигателя
  • Осмотр и ремонт подвески, трансмиссии, тормозов, топливной системы и т. д.
  • Замена масла
  • Ремонт автомобильной электрики
  • Развал-схождение

Почему стоит выбрать Johnson Paul Garage?

  • Принадлежит местному населению и обслуживает жителей Феникса, штат Аризона.
  • Обрабатывать все типы транспортных средств; грузовые и легковые, автомат и механика, отечественные и зарубежные
  • Предлагайте услуги на английском и испанском языках.
  • Высоко оценены клиентами
  • Способен управлять любым транспортным средством

ООО "Монсон Автомотив"

Местоположение :1170 North Pantano Road Tucson, AZ

Веб-сайт :


  • Полная диагностика системы
  • Сканирование и ремонт двигателя
  • Проверка и ремонт трансмиссии
  • Ремонт кондиционера
  • Диагностика и ремонт тормозов, подвески и рулевого управления.
  • Ремонт электрической системы
  • Заводское обслуживание

Почему стоит выбрать Monsoon Automotive?

  • Магазин с полным спектром услуг, который обслуживает автомобили всех марок и моделей.
  • Ремонт дизельных и бензиновых автомобилей, а также автомобилей отечественных и зарубежных марок.
  • Предлагаем двухлетнюю гарантию на пробег 24 000 миль
  • Услуги очень персонализированы.
  • Имеет опытных технических специалистов

Лучшая автомастерская в Арканзасе

Магазин Город Адрес Телефон Услуги Seeburg служба CenterFayetteville1599 North College Ave479-316-2737MechanicalKwik Кар Сервис CenterRogers2214 W. Walnut479-633-8863MechanicalRiverdale AutomotiveConway941 Locust St501-205-8622MechanicalCantrell служба CenterNorth Маленького Rock7601 Молодого Road501-758-1188MechanicalHCS Авто RepairSpringdale3732 ELM Пружина Road479-316-3281MechanicalPro Tire &Automotive CenterSpringdale3944 Dakodas Place479-756-8100Механические Магазины TodysPringdale661 S. 40-я улица
479-751-6580Auto Bodyhalter's Body ShopConway702 Музей Road501-329-2741Auto Collising Collising Auto Bodybryant25825 Internatate 30501-943-7596AUTO Bodyfast Sealferfort Smith681244auto Стекло

Фейетвилль для шин и автомобилей

Местоположение :3264 North College Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72703

Веб-сайт :


  • Компьютерная диагностика
  • Замена масла
  • Ремонт аккумуляторов и электрических систем
  • Обслуживание/ремонт кондиционеров
  • Ремонт аккумуляторов и электрических систем
  • Техническое обслуживание системы охлаждения
  • Ремонт и замена подвески, амортизаторов и стоек
  • Ремонт коробки передач
  • Ремонт шин/ремонт шин
  • Установка шин и поворот плитки.
  • Шасси и ведущие мосты
  • Проверьте индикатор двигателя
  • Обслуживание тормозов
  • Ремонт и обслуживание ремней и шлангов

Почему стоит выбрать Fayetteville Tire &Auto?

  • Студенты колледжей, пенсионеры и военнослужащие при замене масла при предъявлении карты
  • Скидки на щетки стеклоочистителей Bosch
  • Специальные предложения по обслуживанию тормозов
  • Различные заводские акции на отдельные шины, такие как Goodyear и Bridgestone.

Грег тоже

Местоположение :6800 Phoenix Ave, Форт-Смит, AR 72903, США

Веб-сайт :


  • Диагностика двигателя
  • Обслуживание аккумуляторов и аккумуляторы
  • Ремонт автомобильных кондиционеров
  • Диагностика и замена коробки передач
  • Амортизаторы, стойки и все детали подвески
  • Полное обслуживание тормозов
  • Полная диагностика электрооборудования
  • Полная замена и ремонт двигателя
  • Радиатор и системы охлаждения
  • Ремонт и замена ремней и шлангов
  • Полный сервис для иностранных и отечественных автомобилей
  • Замена масла
  • Проверьте индикаторы двигателя
  • Топливные системы
  • Воздушные фильтры

Почему стоит выбрать Greg’s Too?

  • Одобрено планами защиты General Motors и имеет право на предоставление расширенной гарантии.
  • Greg’s Too — это автосервисный центр, одобренный AAA.
  • Высококвалифицированные сотрудники, которые не работают на комиссионных, поэтому вряд ли предложат ненужный ремонт.

Пиннакл Автомотив

Местоположение :1905 Hinson Loop Road Little Rock, AR 72212

Веб-сайт :


  • Смазка/масло/замена фильтров
  • Ремонт тормозов
  • Смена и ротация шин
  • Развал-схождение
  • Балансировка колес
  • Техническое обслуживание и ремонт кондиционеров
  • Ремонт/замена амортизаторов
  • Техническое обслуживание электрических систем
  • Проверка и ремонт щеток стеклоочистителя

Почему стоит выбрать Pinnacle Automotive

  • Скидка для ветеранов всем ветеранам, предъявившим свои карты
  • Рон, владелец этого гаража, обладает огромным опытом и понимает важность автомобиля.

Garrett Tire and Auto Center

Местоположение :1010 Clayton St. Springdale, AR 72762

Веб-сайт :


  • Диагностика и производительность двигателя
  • Ось, ШРУС, ремонт карданного вала
  • Ремни и шланги
  • Ремонт тормозов
  • Ремонт системы охлаждения
  • Смазка, замена масла и фильтров
  • Системы климат-контроля
  • Профилактическое обслуживание
  • Система контроля давления в шинах (TPMS)
  • Услуги по продаже колес и шин

Почему стоит выбрать Garrett Tire and Auto Center?

  • Усовершенствованное программное обеспечение, которое помогает техническим специалистам делать фотографии состояния автомобиля и отправлять их клиентам для прозрачности.
  • Конкурентоспособные цены на шины и другие услуги.
  • Бесплатный WIFI и кофе во время ожидания

Лучшая автомастерская в Калифорнии

Авторемонтная мастерская Haven

Местонахождение:9285 9th St.Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Телефон :(909) 481-3936

Веб-сайт :


  • Ремонт мостов, ШРУСов и карданных валов
  • Ремни и шланги
  • Ремонт тормозов
  • Системы климат-контроля
  • Ремонт системы охлаждения
  • Ремонт дизельного двигателя
  • Ремонт дифференциала
  • Электрические и электронные системы
  • Диагностика и производительность двигателя
  • Ремонт выхлопной системы
  • Система полного привода
  • Смазка, замена масла и фильтров
  • Профилактическое обслуживание
  • Запуск, зарядка и аккумуляторы
  • Система рулевого управления и подвески
  • Система контроля давления в шинах (TPMS)
  • Шины
  • Ремонт коробки передач
  • Осмотр автомобиля
  • Развал-схождение

Почему стоит выбрать ремонтную мастерскую Haven Auto

  • Бесплатная консультация, бесплатная местная эвакуация, бесплатный прокат автомобилей.
  • В их команде столько же, сколько «Том Брэди» (суперзвезда). Обладая опытом и знаниями, они могут предоставить больше того, что нужно людям, по самой конкурентоспособной цене.
  • Haven всегда старается сделать это легко, просто и прозрачно для клиентов, сообщая и информируя их о каждом этапе обслуживания и/или ремонта.

Дисконтные шинные центры и сервисные центры

Местоположение :1301 N Highland Ave. Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния



  • Диагностика и ремонт Check Engine Light
  • Проверка и проверка на смог
  • Ремонт шин и сход-развал
  • Доработки
  • Осмотр и ремонт подвески
  • Диагностика и ремонт тормозов, сцепления, стартера-генератора, системы охлаждения, ремня ГРМ и др.
  • Обслуживание кондиционера
  • Проверка и ремонт топливной системы

Почему выбирают дисконтные центры шин и сервисного обслуживания?

  • Более 40 лет опыта в области ухода за автомобилем.
  • Купоны, предложения и скидки, доступные клиентам для экономии денег.
  • Есть роскошная зона ожидания, где клиенты могут расслабиться, ожидая, пока их машину починят.

Автосервис Asmar

Местоположение :8621 Трой Стрит Спринг Вэлли, Калифорния

Веб-сайт :


  • Очистка двигателя паром
  • Трансляция очистки от смога
  • Диагностика и ремонт двигателя
  • Осмотр и ремонт тормозов, тормозных дисков, барабанных машин и колес
  • Проверка и ремонт аккумуляторов, проводки и электрических компонентов
  • Ремонт системы кондиционирования
  • Настройка и устранение утечек
  • Диагностика и ремонт подвески, карданных валов, мостов, рулевого управления, трансмиссии, топливной системы, выхлопной системы и т. д.
  • Ремонт окон

Почему стоит выбрать Auto Care от Asmar?

  • Это магазин с полным спектром услуг по уходу за автомобилем.
  • Предлагайте гарантию на детали и работу сроком на 36 месяцев или 56 миль.
  • Транспортные средства тщательно проверяются, и клиенты получают обратную связь, чтобы решить, делать ли ремонт или нет.
  • Для клиентов есть трансфер
  • Поддерживает как минимум 4 благотворительные организации в районе Сан-Диего.
  • Есть специальные предложения, скидки и купоны для экономии денег.

Все зарубежные автоцентры

Местоположение :350 N Montgomery St, Сан-Хосе, Калифорния

Веб-сайт :


  • Диагностика и ремонт двигателя
  • Осмотр и ремонт тормозов, трансмиссии, подвески и других систем
  • Устранение столкновений.
  • Включает ремонт поврежденных или сломанных дверных ручек, фонарей, деталей двигателя, стекол и т. д.
  • Ремонт шин и сход-развал
  • Ремонт системы кондиционирования
  • Настройка и устранение утечек

Почему стоит выбрать All Foreign Auto Center?

  • Специализируюсь на ремонте автомобилей BMW, Mercedes Benz, Lexus и Mini. Это удобно для владельцев этих автомобилей.
  • Более 35 лет опыта в бизнесе
  • Оказание всех видов услуг; от стандартного ремонта до капитального ремонта и сервисного обслуживания

Ломбардный кузов кузова

Местоположение :2340 LOMBARD ST, САН-ФРАНЦИСКО, Калифорния

Веб-сайт :


  • Незначительная диагностика
  • Замена тормозных колодок
  • Замена масла
  • Изменить фильтр
  • Устранение столкновений
  • Рисование
  • Ремонт вмятин
  • Замена лобового стекла
  • Подбор краски
  • Наклейка
  • Индивидуальные покрасочные работы

Почему стоит выбрать Lombard Autobody?

  • Отлично справляется с кузовными работами и ремонтом после столкновений.
  • Предлагайте техническое обслуживание автомобилей и небольшую диагностику.
  • Предоставить круглосуточные услуги эвакуатора
  • Технические специалисты имеют общий опыт работы более 50 лет.

Лучшая автомастерская в Колорадо

Магазин Город Адрес Телефон Услуги AutomotiveColorado Springs4120 Clearview Loop Street719-392-3426MechanicalAirport South Denver AutomotiveDenver4075 East Iliff Ave720-262-9204MechanicalBest Auto LongmontLongmont1840 Delaware Place Unit C720-652 7272MechanicalJoe в автомобиль и грузовик RepairColorado Springs1590 York Road719-434-4084MechanicalWest Highlands Auto RepairWheat Ridge5440 W 29-й Ave303-433-9233MechanicalGroff в AutomotiveColorado Springs6305 E. Платт Ave, Ste 1719-570-7212MechanicalJewell CollisionLakewood7870 W Джуэл Ave303-763-5330Auto BodyHampden Auto BodyEnglewood2801 W Hampden Ave303-761-0677Auto BodyColorado Auto Body - AuroraAurora1465 Даллас Street303-361-6942Auto BodyQuick-Set Auto GlassHenderson10655 E сто двадцатый Ave303 -452-5378Автостекло

Автомобильный контрольно-пропускной пункт

Местоположение :18545 E Smoky Hill Rd, Аврора, Колорадо

Веб-сайт :


  • Осмотр, ремонт и замена тормозов
  • Проверьте диагностику индикатора двигателя
  • Смазочные материалы
  • Развал-схождение
  • Ремонт и замена шин
  • Осмотр и ремонт подвески, трансмиссии, тормозов, электрических систем, выхлопной системы, топливной системы и т. д.

Почему стоит выбрать Checkpoint Automotive?

  • Обслуживание всех типов автомобилей; отечественные и зарубежные
  • Предлагаем комплексные услуги по уходу за автомобилем.
  • Отмеченный золотой звездой магазин за выдающееся обслуживание
  • Предоставьте бесплатный трансфер после того, как отдадите машину на ремонт.
  • Доступны автомобили напрокат
  • Информируйте клиентов о ходе ремонта по электронной почте или в текстовом сообщении, сопровождаемом изображениями и видео.
  • Красивое лобби с кожаными креслами и бесплатным Wi-Fi, кофе и водой.

Финн Мототех, ООО

Местоположение :555 Альтер Стрит Брумфилд, Колорадо



  • Full system diagnostics
  • Oil change
  • Fuel economy services (carbon treatment, tune-ups, induction service, etc.)
  • Engine repair and replacement
  • Brake repair
  • Repair and replacement of steering and suspension
  • Tire and alignment
  • Body-work and welding
  • Customizations
  • Maintenance service
  • Reprogramming of systems
  • Replacement of timing belts

Why Choose Finn Mototech?

  • Financing is available
  • Shop gives 24-month/24k mile warranty
  • Offer all types of auto services, from body works to performance tuning
  • Has special programs for veterans

Ray’s Automotive &Transmissions

Location :2701 Palmer Park Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO

Website :


  • Automotive diagnostics, analysis, and testing
  • Engine tune-ups, repairs, and replacements
  • Fixing of ignition and timing
  • Brake servicing, repair, and replacement
  • Repair of cooling systems
  • Inspection and repair of suspension, electrical systems, exhaust system fuel system, etc.
  • Repair and replacement of transmission. New transmission “built” on site

Why Choose Ray’s Automotive &Transmissions?

  • Free diagnostics for transmission system
  • Transmission repair comes with 2-year/24k mile warranty
  • Offer comprehensive vehicle repair services
  • Mechanics are ASE certified

Urban Autocare

Location :1701 High St. Denver, CO

Website :


  • Automotive diagnostics
  • Comprehensive inspections
  • Oil service
  • A/C system repair
  • Wheel alignment and tires
  • Brake pads and rotors
  • Repair and replacement of transmission, brakes, timing belts, clutch, radiator, water pump, etc
  • Windshield replacement
  • Pre-purchase inspection
  • Wheel refinishing
  • Key replacement

Why Choose Urban Autocare?

  • They have plenty of tires to choose from
  • Offer personalized services
  • Mechanics and technicians are ASE certified and of Master level
  • Free shuttle service for customers
  • Labor and parts come with warranties

Top Auto Repair Shop In Connecticut

Shop City Address Telephone Services Ceglarz Motor Repair &Sales, Inc.New Britain581 West Main Street860-224-3532MechanicalDuddie Automotive Sales &ServiceMeriden1030 Broad Street203-440-1260MechanicalGeneral Muffler &Auto SupplyAnsonia670 Main Street203-735-6406MechanicalGlass America-Branford, CTBranford77 Main Street877-745-2774Auto GlassPalumbo's Automotive UnlimitedGuilford1099 Boston Post Road203-453-1788MechanicalPlymouth Glass and MirrorThomaston142 E. Main Street860-283-0276Auto GlassPortland AutomotivePortland131 Marlborough Street860-920-5560MechanicalRay’s Automotive IncWaterbury1704 Baldwin Street203-439-4259MechanicalRoggi's Auto ServiceHartford278 Hudson Street860-200-3480MechanicalTown Line Auto BodyMonroe781 Main Street203-268-5307Auto Body

M K Auto Body Inc.

Location :332 Hanover St Bridgeport, CT 06605

Website :


  • Collision repair services
  • Full-service car repair
  • Paintless dent repair
  • Scratch removal
  • Windshield replacement
  • Bumper repair
  • Full frame straightening
  • Wheel alignment
  • Hail damages repair
  • Pre-accident sales inspection

Why Choose M K Autobody Inc.

  • Our technicians are ASE and I-Car specialists
  • Employing of latest technology to return car to factory standards
  • Quality work at affordable rates
  • Great customer service to all our customer
  • Forward-thinking accident management and vehicle repair
  • They provide preventative and rehabilitative solutions
  • Specialists in all body-works right from small scratches to major accident damage

Star Tires Plus Wheels

Location :888 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford, Connecticut 06114

Website :


  • Oil change
  • Crack, dent, and scratch repair
  • Tire change and rotation service
  • Check engine oil light maintenance
  • Custom wheels

Why Choose 36 Star Tires Plus Wheels?

  • Reputable reliable and quality auto service
  • High-quality service to maximize your engine life and performance
  • Knowledgeable mechanics and friendly sales staff
  • Large selection of custom and exotic wheels
  • Lifetime guarantee on all new tires, including free rotations, flat repair, tire pressure check, and 35-point safety inspection.

T.J.’s Autobody 2 LLC

Location :508 N Colony Rd. Wallingford, CT 06492

Website :


  • Collision repair
  • Paint less dent removal
  • Expert paint and body-work
  • Scratch and dent removal services
  • Professional vehicle and wheel alignment
  • Custom painting
  • Tire rotation and replacement
  • Auto detailing to revitalize your vehicle’s appearance

Why Choose T.J.’s Autobody 2 LLC

  • Affordable prices and accurate estimate
  • Exceptional services for business owners with a fleet of vehicles
  • On site detailing for customers who may have a busy schedule
  • We beat any state registered auto repair shop estimate

Diego’s Mechanics

Location :429 W Main St, Stamford CT 06902


  • Automotive repair services
  • Suspension services
  • Brake services
  • Electric car repair
  • Hybrid car repair
  • Tire rotation and wheel
  • Transmission repair
  • Headlight and taillight services
  • Air conditioning services
  • Muffler and exhaust services
  • Smog checks

Why Choose Diego’s Mechanics?

  • Provision of prompt results with fair price
  • Quality parts and equipment
  • Highly trained and certified technicians ensuring excellent workmanship

Top Auto Repair Shop In Delaware

Shop City Address Telephone Services ASAP AutomotiveBear807 Pulaski Highway302-444-8659MechanicalAuto Glass FittersMiddletown108 Patriot Dr Suite C302-376-4333Auto GlassBenchmark TransmissionDover718 S Governors Ave856-678-6011MechanicalBuckley’s Auto CareWilmington1604 E. Newport Pike302-907-9570MechanicalDelaware Auto GlassNewark810 Pencader Dr302-709-2300Auto GlassDempsey's Service CenterNewark9 Mill Park Court302-239-4996MechanicalDiamond Town Tire ProsMiddletown5221 Summit Bridge Road302-464-1077MechanicalEverest Auto RepairNewark690 Kirkwood Highway302-737-8424MechanicalFurr's Tire ServiceDover1251 S Bay Road302-678-0800MechanicalKing's Tire &LubeMilford955 Bay Road302-422-6522MechanicalKirkwood Auto CenterWilmington4913 Kirkwood Highway302-357-3731MechanicalPaul Campanella's Pike Creek AutomotiveWilmington2379 Limestone Road302-304-3341MechanicalWillis Automotive of MiddletownSmyrna2707 S DuPont Blvd302-223-5843Mechanical

Benchmark Transmission

Location :718 S Governors Ave, Dover, DE 19904

Website :


  • Complete transmission rebuilds
  • Rear differential rebuilds and repairs
  • Transfer case repairs
  • Transmission problem diagnosis
  • Foreign and domestic clutch assemblies

Why Choose Benchmark Transmission

  • Military discount available
  • Experts in transmission from rebuilding to repair and even replacement with over 36 years of experience

Willis Automotive of Middletown

Location :2707 S DuPont Blvd Smyrna DE 19977 US

Website :


  • Collision repair
  • Major and minor auto repair service
  • Multi-point vehicle inspection
  • Oil change
  • Brake repair service
  • Vehicle battery service
  • Comprehensive detailing

Why Choose Willis Automotive of Middletown?

  • Fee estimates using the latest CCC estimating software
  • The rental car is provided upon insurance approval and professional handling of all claims
  • Computerized paint matching to get exact dealer paint
  • Regular customer updates on the repair progress, technician are I-Car trained and certified
  • Military discount to active duty, reservist, National Guard, and veterans within three years of discharge
  • First responders discount to eligible people on eligible vehicles

Buckley’s Auto Care

Location :1604 E. NEWPORT PIKE WILMINGTON, DE 19804

Website :


  • Child car seat inspections, fittings, and installations
  • Special needs safety needs
  • Seat belt extenders
  • Manufacturers service intervals
  • Brake repair and maintenance
  • Check engine light
  • Engine diagnostics
  • Engine replacement
  • Wheel alignments
  • Tire services
  • Shocks and struts repair and replacement
  • Fan belts replacement and repair
  • Preventative Maintenance Service
  • Oil changes
  • Vehicle up-fitting services

Why Choose Buckley’s Auto Care?

  • Towing and shuttle services available to customers
  • Experts in child and special needs safety needs including inspection and fittings
  • Buckley’s auto care is a referral center for many hospitals and other centers

Top Auto Repair Shop In Florida

Shop City Address Telephone Services Balado National TireMiami1633 NW 27th Ave305-635-9001MechanicalCupelli AutomotiveGreenacres4511 1/2 Lake Worth Rd561-963-9744MechanicalDrive Line Service of JacksonvilleJacksonville200 Lane Avenue North800-348-3915MechanicalJJ’s Auto CareJacksonville11630 Beach Blvd904-572-0305MechanicalLeasure AutomotiveBrandon2015 Town Center Blvd813-684-1553MechanicalLloyd’s Of Shelton Auto GlassNorth Port1090 Innovation Avenue Unit A-101855-458-8490Auto GlassMike's Auto Body &RepairOrlando412 N John Young Pkwy407-843-8135Auto BodyMTJ Paint &Body ShopMiami4510 NW 32nd Ave.305-632-1914Auto BodyOrlandoAuto Glass DocOrlando6250 Edgewater Dr877-494-5277Auto GlassPremier Auto Service CenterCape Coral3916 Chiquita Blvd. S.239-471-4674MechanicalSteves Auto Glass ServiceSeminole11285 66th Terrace727-432-9898Auto GlassTommy's Auto ServicePetersburg2643 22nd Avenue North St.727-323-1444MechanicalTrubey Auto RepairTavares29325 County Road 561352-343-6510MechanicalTuffy JacksonvilleJacksonville14026 Beach Blvd904-441-6657Mechanical

Tommy’s Auto Service

Location :2643 22nd Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33713

Website :


  • Air conditioning repair and maintenance
  • Fuel system maintenance and repair
  • Brake repair and maintenance
  • Belts repair
  • Check engine light diagnosis
  • Electrical system maintenance /repair
  • Steering system maintenance/repair
  • Suspension system repair
  • Tune-ups
  • Transmission system repair
  • Batteries maintenance /repair
  • Vehicles inspection
  • Computer diagnostics

Why Choose Tommy’s Auto Service?

  • Existing in operation since 1951, Tommy Auto service has been known for quality radiator repair and general car care
  • Being an AAA approved and ASE certified auto service center means safety and quality are guaranteed
  • Convenient for customers in the St Petersburg region
  • Courtesy ride service to home and work while our technicians work on your car
  • For customers waiting for their vehicle, a comfortable waiting lobby with TV WIFI, auto magazines, and dailies

Drive Line Service of Jacksonville

Location :200 Lane Avenue North Jacksonville, FL 32254

Website :


  • Classic car restoration
  • Fleet maintenance
  • Driveshaft manufacturer and repair
  • Customized shaft
  • Complete shaft assemblies
  • U joint replacement
  • CV assemblies rebuilt
  • Differential rebuilding modification
  • Ratio changes
  • Axle replacement
  • Limited-slip installations

Why Choose Drive Line Service of Jacksonville

  • They specialize in shaft and driveline repair and maintenance, making them experts in addition to many years of experience
  • High tech equipment to properly diagnose driveline and shaft issues
  • Superb workmanship and use of premium materials

Balado National Tire

Location :1633 NW 27th Ave, Miami, FL 33125

Website :


  • Preventative maintenance
  • Brake repair
  • Steering and suspension system repair
  • Tire purchase and installation
  • Tire repair
  • Wheel alignment
  • Oil and air filter change
  • Spring check u
  • Computerized wheel balancing

Why Choose Balado National Tire?

  • Many years of experience in tires since 1949 gaining a reputation for quality products and services
  • Highly qualified mechanics who employ highly sophisticated equipment and parts for repairs
  • Competitively priced tires from all the industry-leading brands
  • Well trained staff highly skilled in sale and installation of passenger car, performance and light truck and SUV tires

Top Auto Repair Shop In Georgia

Shop City Address Telephone Services A Plus Windshield Repair and Headlight RestorationAtlanta267 Oxford Place404-829-2710Auto GlassAdvantage Auto ServiceMarietta1775 Cobb Parkway S770-268-2892Mechanicalatc Auto Center – AugustaAugusta1853 Gordon HWY706-738-7812MechanicalBavarian Body WorksAtlanta1491 Howell Mill Rd404-476-3900Auto BodyBraxton AutomotiveAtlanta1604 Howell Mill RD404-367-4767MechanicalEuropean &Domestic Auto CareAtlanta1903 Piedmont Cir NE404-228-3512MechanicalEuropean Auto Repair ShopAtlanta3900 North Peachtree Rd470-349-8135MechanicalGerber Collision &GlassNewnan24 Amlajack Blvd770-251-1418Auto BodyRJ's Auto Body PlusMarietta2022 Airport Court770-955-5020Auto BodyTanner’s Service Center Inc.Dublin746 Central Dr478-272-6352MechanicalTeam Ryan AutomotiveBuford2959 S. Waterworks Road678-765-7926MechanicalTire Master Service CenterColumbus600 Veterans Parkway706-268-9025MechanicalTRUE AutomotiveLawrenceville880 Cripple Creek Drive706-268-9025Mechanical

atc Auto Center – Augusta

Location :1853 Gordon HWY, Augusta, GA

Website :


  • Engine service
  • A/C and cooling system repair
  • Differential service
  • Wheel alignment
  • Brake repair
  • Clutch repair
  • Transmission repair
  • Oil change
  • Fuel system repair
  • Vehicle inspection
  • Preventive repair
  • Tune-ups
  • Replacement of wiper blades
  • Replacement of timing belts
  • Tire service
  • Repair of electrical systems

Why Choose atc Auto Center?

  • Every repair or service work comes with a warranty on labor and parts
  • Has fleet service for multiple business vehicles
  • Provides advice and car care tips
  • Shuttle services for customers
  • Always keep customers updated on progress

European &Domestic Auto Care

Location :1903 Piedmont Cir NE, Atlanta, GA

Website :


  • Complete car diagnostics
  • Engine check, repair, and replacement
  • Oil change
  • Battery testing and changing
  • Inspection and repair of transmission, brakes, suspension, electrical systems, drive train, belts, and hoses
  • Tune-ups
  • A/C service

Why Choose European &Domestic Auto Care?

  • Over 20 years of experience in auto service and maintenance
  • Offer complete auto care services
  • Staff consists of professional mechanics
  • Handle domestic as well as European car brand=

Tanner’s Service Center Inc.

Location :746 Central Dr. Dublin, GA

Website :


  • Computerized diagnostics
  • Engine service
  • A/C service and repair
  • Wheel alignment and balancing
  • Inspection and repair of brake, CV, drive axle, transmission, suspension, cooling system, etc.
  • Oil changes
  • Fixing of radiator
  • Tune-ups

Why Choose Tanner’s Service Center?

  • Provides quotes to help customers budget
  • Has 24-hour towing service
  • Services include all mechanical repairs and engine works
  • Handles all types of vehicles, from cars to minivans and even trucks
  • Locally owned auto shop with personalized services
  • Has wide selection of tires for those looking to replace worn-out tires

Tire Master Service Center

Location :600 Veterans Parkway, Columbus, GA

Website :


  • Computerized diagnostics
  • Minor auto repair
  • Brake services
  • A/C repair
  • Wheel alignment and balancing
  • Power steering flush
  • Cooling system service
  • Driveline service
  • Repair of alternator, shocks, and struts
  • Battery testing and replacement
  • Fuel/air induction cleanup

Why Choose Tire Master Service Center?

  • Family-owned business that offers personalized service
  • Parts and labor come with 24-month/24k mile warranty
  • Has coupons for customers to use in saving money
  • Company has extensive experience. It has been operational since 1963

Top Auto Repair Shop In Hawaii

Shop City Address Telephone Services Aiea Auto RepairAiea98-025 Hekaha St808-201-7272MechanicalChika Nakano Repair ShopHilo90 Pookela StreetMechanicalChung's Alignment &Auto ServiceHonolulu1015 Dillingham Blvd #101808-744-8692MechanicalFantastik Auto RepairHonolulu 2031 Colburn Street808-842-3777MechanicalHokama Auto RepairPearl City1011 Lehua Avenue808-456-5500MechanicalK.W. Auto Body LLC.Honolulu2885 Ualena Street
808-839-9887Auto BodyMaster Auto CenterWailuku635 Eluene Pl808-870-7070MechanicalMC Auto Body &PaintHonolulu2122 Kaliawa St808-847-7772Auto BodyPrecision Auto RepairKailua Kona74-5622 Alapa St., Bay # 3808-329-7223MechanicalStarkey's Auto RepairHonolulu1336 Dillingham Blvd Suite F808-721-3315MechanicalT&T TintingHonolulu1014 Kawaiahao Street808-596 8468Auto BodyUNIBODY AutotechHonolulu999 Waimanu St.808-592-5000Auto BodyWaipio Auto RepairWaipahu94-547 Ukee St #312808-676-2886MechanicalWestside Fender/Body &RefinishingWaipahu94-221 Leonui Street808-677-5112Mechanical

Chika Nakano Repair Shop

Location :90 Pookela St, Hilo, HI 96720, USA


  • Brake Repair and Maintenance eService
  • Transmission and Drivetrain repair
  • Transmission Fluid replacement
  • Transmission Replacement
  • Suspension Service/Repair
  • Steering Service/Repair
  • Steering Fluid Service
  • General Repairs
  • Auto Maintenance
  • Electrical Service/Repair
  • Muffler service
  • Tune-ups
  • Front end services
  • Oil changes
  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Pre safety and safety check

Why Choose Chika Nakano Repair Shop?

  • Reliable mechanics dedicated to customer satisfaction and high-quality work
  • Highly skilled and certified technicians
  • Excellent customer service

Fantastik Auto Repair

Location :2031 Colburn Street Honolulu, HI 96819

Website :


  • Brake inspections and repair
  • Transmission maintenance and repair
  • Car upgrades
  • Engine repairs
  • Electrical systems repair and maintenance

Why Choose Fantastik Auto Repair?

  • A one-stop shop for all auto issues, including maintenance, diagnostics, repair, upgrades, and changes
  • Fast service but highly effective to ensure clients get back their vehicles in the shortest time
  • Evening and weekend hours’ availability
  • Experienced in all makes and models of vehicles, including domestic and foreign
  • ASE certified technicians
  • All service works will have a 1 year/1200-mile warranty
  • Free written estimates

Hokama Auto Repair

Location :1011 Lehua Avenue Pearl City, HI 96782

Website :


  • Lube and Oil changes
  • Engine Repair
  • Electrical systems repair/replacements
  • Smog/Emissions testing
  • Exhaust/System repair
  • A/C system check and repair
  • Tune-Ups
  • Suspension system repair/maintenance
  • Radiator System repair
  • Brakes repair
  • Transmission system repair/maintenance
  • Tire Inspection
  • Wheel Alignment
  • Towing services

Why Choose Hokama Auto Repair?

  • Hokama Auto repair shop has served the Leeward area for over 35 years providing expert auto and light truck repairs
  • Free services such as online auto maintenance schedules
  • Friendly reminders of when your vehicle is due for service
  • Accurate estimates before any works are undertaken

Master Auto Center

Location :635 Eluene Pl, Wailuku, HI 96793

Website :


  • Wheel and tire services
  • Custom rim and tire services
  • Used tires services
  • Diagnose and check engine lights
  • Air-conditioning system maintenance
  • A.C. system evacuation and recharge
  • Belt tensioners
  • Valve adjustments
  • Belt and hose replacement
  • Timing belt replacement
  • Wheel bearings
  • Water pump replacement

Why Choose Master Auto Center?

  • Financing available from Acima Financial for tire services and auto repairs
  • Senior citizens, military, students, and fleet discount on tire services
  • Option to buy used tires for your vehicle which are more budget-friendly and environmentally friendly
  • Used tires trade-in service, which is not available in many garages. You can get a reasonable price for your old tires if they are in a resalable condition

Top Auto Repair Shop In Idaho

Shop City Address Telephone Services 4×4 ShopCaldwell1210 Holman Ct208-459-8469MechanicalAll Auto RepairNampa617 North Barger St208-989-7871MechanicalC&S Auto RepairIdaho Falls2435 East Iona Rd208-524-2770MechanicalDowdy’s AutomotiveBoise3183 S. Federal Way208-342-3651MechanicalDriven Automotive MeridianMeridian1850 E. Franklin Road208-888-7464MechanicalErmal's Auto BodyIdaho Falls471 College St.208-529-1665Auto BodyHeritage Auto RepairMeridian175 N Linder Rd844-750-0459MechanicalNaylor's Auto RepairBoise7451 Lemhi St.208-343-0732MechanicalOswald Service and RepairIdaho Falls725 Yellowstone Ave208-516-1718MechanicalPlantation TuneTech Auto Services Center Boise 6550 West State Street208-314-3265MechanicalTunex Complete Car CareIdaho Falls1150 Lincoln Rd855-998-8639MechanicalWhit's Auto RepairNampa807 3rd Street208-465-0603Mechanical

Plantation TuneTech Auto Services Center

Location :6550 West State Street, Boise, ID 83714

Website :


  • Inspections and diagnostics
  • Pre-purchase inspection
  • Oil change
  • Cooling system repair
  • Drivetrain repair
  • Air Condition repair
  • Lights repair/replacement
  • Carburetors
  • Clutches repair and service
  • Emission/smog check
  • Fuel system service
  • Suspension system repair
  • Steering system repair
  • Check engine light diagnosis
  • Engine repair
  • Timing belts repair

Why Choose Plantation TuneTech Auto Services Center?

  • Complimentary coolant checks to qualifying customers
  • All parts used are equal or exceed the original manufacturer’s parts
  • All services offered to maintain the manufacturer’s warranty
  • 24 month/24000 miles’ warranty on parts and labor
  • Local shuttle bus available for work and home
  • Free WIFI/coffee/soda/water in the waiting lobby

4×4 Shop

Location :1210 Holman Ct, Caldwell, ID 83605

Website :


  • 2-Wheel/4-Wheel alignment
  • Air Conditioning service
  • All Vehicle Maintenance
  • Alternator repair/replacement
  • Battery
  • Brakes repair
  • Check Engine Light diagnosis
  • Custom Machining
  • CV and Drive Axle Repair
  • Drivetrain repair
  • Electrical repair
  • Emission Testing
  • Engine Rebuilds
  • Front and Rear Differentials check
  • Fuel Injection Service
  • Oil Changes
  • Power Steering repair
  • Starter check and repair
  • Suspension Repair
  • Timing Belts replacement
  • Tire services
  • Towing services
  • Tune-Ups
  • Trailer Hitches
  • Transmission system repair

Why Choose 4×4 Shop?

  • Honest, professional services backed by a free, fair estimate for all auto repair needs
  • Locally owned and operated an automotive repair shop
  • Certified technicians with over 75 years of combined experience
  • The auto repair shop is a member of both the Better Business Bureau and the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce.

Heritage Auto Repair

Location :175 N Linder Rd, Meridian, ID 83642

Website :


  • Preventative maintenance services
  • Transmission services installation and repair
  • Heating and Air conditioner repair
  • Mechanical repair
  • Electrical, wiring, and electronic services
  • Fleet management services
  • Exhaust services
  • Factory scheduled maintenance
  • Timing belt replacement
  • Spark plug replacement
  • Air filter, fuel filter, and cabin replacement
  • Purchase inspections
  • Brake and anti-lock braking repair
  • Manual and automatic transmission repair
  • Driveline repair and maintenance
  • Clutch repair and maintenance
  • Engine repair and replacement
  • Power steering repairs
  • Computer Diagnostics
  • Check Engine Light

Why Choose Heritage Auto Repair?

  • New customers get a 25% discount on labor on their first repair
  • Free warning light scan
  • Customers are entitled to the NAPA peace of mind extended warranty on qualifying parts and labor
  • Tony, a mechanic here, has been awarded the NAPA/ASE Technician of the year award amongst other recognitions
  • The business gives back to the community by giving free oil changes and inspections to veterans and active servicemen. The same service has been extended to single mothers

Nampa Auto Repair

Location :300 1st Ave North, Nampa, ID 83687

Website :


  • Engine Repair
  • Large Truck &R.V. Repair
  • A.C. Service
  • Oil Changes &Tune-Ups
  • Brakes &Alignments
  • Diagnostics &Scheduled Maintenance

Why Choose Nampa Auto Repair?

  • Free towing service for major repairs backed by a 24-hour dispatch center
  • Nampa Auto service has 10 light duty, medium duty, and service trucks for towing all variety of vehicles and equipment
  • Highly skilled, trained, and certified mechanics diagnose all auto problems with meticulous attention to detail
  • 30-day warranty on all-wheel alignments
  • Service warranty with a guarantee of 12 months/12,000 miles that covers parts, labor, and towing
  • 90-day warranty on labor when installing engine and transmission

Top Auto Repair Shop In Illinois

Shop City Address Telephone Services B &L Automotive RepairsChicago3830 North Kedzie773-463-1622MechanicalEuropean Auto LTDChicago2547 N. Lincoln Ave.773-348-5440MechanicalFull Circle Auto ServiceO'Fallon510 S. Lincoln Ave.618-624-2272MechanicalGrand &Cicero ServiceChicago4800 W Grand Ave773-889-1878MechanicalLast Chance Auto RepairPlainfield12052 S Naper Plainfield Road815-577-0327MechanicalMaximum AutomotiveNaperville1580 West Ogden Ave. Unit 560630-357-5525MechanicalRomeoville49 W Norman town RdMechanicalMidwest Performance CarsChicago2105 West Fulton St312-432-9492MechanicalNorthlake Auto RepairNorthlake385 E. North Ave.708-338-3920MechanicalQadiBody Auto CollisionBridgeview9018 South Oketo Avenue708-904-9428Auto BodyReal Autohaus AutomotiveWestmont6145 S Cass Ave630-241-7220MechanicalThom's Four Wheel DriveChicago4118 N. Pulaski Road773-825-5073MechanicalTJ’s Auto Center Inc.Rockford 3427 E State St815-399-2886Mechanical

Northlake Auto Repair

Location :Northlake Auto Repair, Quick Lube and U-Haul, 385 E. North Ave., Northlake, IL 60164

Website :


  • Preventative maintenance
  • Pre-trip inspection
  • Oil and filter change
  • Engine repair/change
  • Belts and hoses repair
  • Drivability check
  • Tune-ups
  • Lubrication services
  • Radiator and transmission flush and repair service
  • Timing belt replacement
  • Tire services and sales
  • Batteries change
  • Brake repairs
  • Wheel alignment
  • Air conditioning service
  • Electrical system service
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Failed emission testing
  • Fleet repair

Why Choose Northlake Auto Repair?

  • The shop is ASE certified, licensed, bonded, and a member of the AAA Chicago motor club
  • Free vehicle pick-up for scheduled repairs
  • Qualified technicians providing quality parts and premiere vehicle repair services at an affordable price
  • All repair work on a doe on time, on budget and is guaranteed

European Auto LTD

Location :2547 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL 60614

Website :


  • Scheduled service
  • Engine repairs
  • Brake repair
  • Check engine malfunction light diagnosis
  • Classic and European cars restoration
  • Suspension upgrade
  • Engine rebuild
  • Bumper re-chrome

Why Choose European Auto LTD?

  • The customer gets honest advice regarding any work that is needed on the vehicle
  • Simple answers and quick problem solving that offer value for money
  • Experts in most European and classics cars. Services specialized on include restoration and rebuild
  • The uniquely experienced expert working in this garage has all the trade secrets and tricks that will diagnose your rare classic car
  • If any part cannot be found, our experienced craftsmen will fabricate or replace it with a different one to ensure your classic car remains on the road

TJ’s Auto Center Inc.

Location :3427 E State St Rockford, IL 61108

Website :


  • 4×4 repair and maintenance
  • Electrical and electronic services maintenance
  • Wheel Alignment and tire services
  • Brakes repair and maintenance,
  • Engine &Transmission repair and maintenance
  • Quick Lube Services
  • Fleet services,
  • Heating and cooling system maintenance
  • Towing &Recovery services
  • Undercar Services

Why Choose TJ’s Auto Center Inc.?

  • High tech diagnostic equipment that guarantees our mechanics correctly diagnose and service your vehicle correctly
  • All repair work is guaranteed by the TechNet auto service center nationwide warranty. The warranty covers most repairs and parts from 24 months/24000 miles, whichever comes first
  • Mechanics carry out all repair work without voiding your vehicle’s warranty

Mickey’s Tire &Service Center

Location :49 W Norman town Rd Romeoville, IL 60446


  • Tire services and sales
  • Filter, lube, and oil change
  • Heating and coolant systems repair
  • Mufflers and exhaust system repair
  • Steering and suspension system repair
  • Starting and charging system repair
  • Shocks and struts repair
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Timing belt replacement
  • Wheel alignment
  • Tune-up
  • Computerized engine diagnostics
  • Engine repair
  • Headlamps and bulbs replacement
  • Brake system repair
  • Air conditioning system repair
  • Wiper blades repair

Why Choose Mickey’s Tire &Service Center?

  • Overnight drop off services available
  • Wi-Fi in the waiting lounges
  • Complementary check and fill tire air pressure with any service
  • Complementary check and top off fluids with any service
  • Courtesy shuttle service while we work on your vehicle
  • Free rotation and mounting service with a tire purchase
  • All our mechanics are ASE certified technicians

Top Auto Repair Shop In Indiana

Shop City Address Telephone Services A &A Tire and Auto Service Indianapolis2603 Lafayette Rd317-925-5330MechanicalAmerican Brake and MufflerGary3102 W. Ridge Road219-980-5600MechanicalBorkowski Collision Repair Inc.Indianapolis10395 Hague Rd.317-841-8330MechanicalCaliber CollisionAvon55 Vista Pkwy.317-272-2048MechanicalCar-X Tire and AutoWestfield17501 Gunther Blvd317-896-1315MechanicalCars PlusHighland9619 Indianapolis Blvd.219-924-2258MechanicalDiamond Collision ServicesAvon292 S County Rd 800 E317-272-6820MechanicalEuro MotorworksIndianapolis7314 E. 90th Street317-593-9415MechanicalReeder’s Auto Service CenterPortage6436 Central Avenue219-763-1782MechanicalRick’s Auto ServiceMishawaka405 W. Jefferson Blvd574-401-8013Auto BodyRuss Moore Transmission SpecialistFort Wayne1121 W Coliseum Blvd260-482-9414MechanicalThe Muffler &Auto ExpressEvansville2100 S Weinbach Ave812-473-0670MechanicalVeldman’s Service CenterSouth Bend5222 W. Western Ave574-287-7236MechanicalYeoman Service CenterFort Wayne540 E Pettit Ave260-888-3474 механический

The Muffler &Auto Express

Location :2100 S Weinbach Ave Evansville, IN 47714


  • Brake repair
  • Automobile diagnostics service
  • Automotive tune-up service
  • Body repair and painting
  • Exhaust and muffler repair services
  • Custom dual exhaust installation

Why Choose the Muffler &Auto Express?

  • Lifetime warranty on brake service for labor and parts

Russ Moore Transmission Specialist

Location :Fort Wayne, IN


  • Transmission repair services
  • Manual truck transmissions to an automatic system
  • Automatic and manual transmissions conversion
  • Wholesale remanufactured transmissions
  • Performance transmissions

Why Choose Russ Moore Transmission Specialist?

  • Specialists in remanufacturing and repairing transmission systems both manual and automatic
  • Specialists in truck conversion from manual to automatic transmission
  • More than 50 transmission specialists employed in this garage have superior skills and technical know-how to accurately diagnose and carry out transmission repairs
  • State of the art diagnostic and troubleshooting equipment for late-model vehicles
  • 36 months/75,000-mile warranty on all parts and labor for every remanufactured transmission

Borkowski Collision Repair Inc.

Location :10395 Hague Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46256

Website :


  • Wheel alignments
  • Radiator services
  • Steering and suspension system repair
  • Engine repairs
  • Hail damage repair
  • Auto glass repair/replacement
  • Paintless dent repair

Why Choose Borkowski Collision Inc.?

  • Lifetime guarantee on workmanship and paint used as long as you own the vehicle
  • Free estimates before any repair work is done
  • Rental car arrangements while we service your car
  • The owner, Borkowski, or his brother Dan is always in the garage to address any issue, or query customers may be having

Veldman’s Service Center

Location :5222 W. Western Ave South Bend, IN 46619

Website :


  • Oil changes
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Check engine light diagnosis
  • New and used tire sales
  • Brake repair and replacement
  • Cooling system repair
  • Transmission system repair
  • Engine diagnostics repair
  • Air conditioning service
  • Wheel alignment

Why Choose Veldman’s Service Center?

  • AAA approved auto repair shop
  • Automotive Service excellence certified shop
  • Veldman’s Service Center is a NAPA center
  • An attractive incentive to enterprise fleet managers
  • ASE certified mechanics
  • Free shuttle service to home, work, and to the mall
  • Free tire rotations and repairs for life of the tire

Top Auto Repair Shop In Iowa

B &L Transmission Inc.

Location :120 Jacolyn Dr NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405

Website :


  • Transmission diagnostics/repair/ rebuild/replacement
  • Brake repair/replacement
  • Bleed brake lines
  • Caliper repair
  • Timing belt and hoses repair/replacement
  • Oil changes
  • Tune-ups
  • Cooling system repair
  • A.C. repair
  • Shock struts
  • Driveline repair and maintenance

Why Choose B &L Transmission Inc.?

  • Specialists in driveline, transmission, and brake repair and service.
  • Our technicians are highly skilled in these areas ensuring high-quality service.
  • Being a locally owned business, not part of a nationwide chain, ensures we work hard to serve our local area.

Locust Auto Sales &Repair

Location :1435 W Locust St Davenport, IA 52804

Website :


  • Heating and Cooling Services
  • Car &Truck Care
  • Electronic Services
  • Transmission Services
  • Undercar Services
  • 4×4 Services
  • Brakes repair
  • Domestic Cars &Trucks
  • Electrical Services
  • Engine &Transmission
  • Engine Maintenance
  • General Services
  • Quick Lube Services
  • Tires

Why Choose Gamber’s Auto Service?

  • High-quality auto repairs are done by highly experienced and certified mechanics
  • Fleet tire management services to prolong life of your tires and offer best value for money and fuel economy
  • 12 month/12,000 miles guarantee on parts and labor

Acheson Auto Sales-Service

Location :1103 SW 63rd St Des Moines, IA 50312

Website :


  • Auto Body Repair
  • Collision Work
  • Paint Work
  • Vehicle Maintenance &Tires
  • Batteries
  • A.C. Services
  • Glass services
  • Restoration work
  • Brakes repair

Why Choose Acheson Auto Sales-Service

  • Fully licensed and insured auto repair shop, family-owned and operated. They are a member of BBB and WDM chamber
  • Acheson Auto Sales-Service works with all major insurance companies
  • All services are guaranteed
  • Technicians have more than 100 years of combined experience providing expert services

Alignment Specialists

Location :1704 11th St. • Sioux City, IA 51101

Website :


  • Wheel alignment
  • Brake repair
  • Steering and suspension system
  • Tire services
  • Tire pressure monitoring system
  • Starting, charging, and batteries
  • Lube oil and filter change
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Engine diagnostics and performance
  • Electrical and electrical systems repair
  • Nitrogen tire inflation
  • Differential, axle, CV joint, and driveshaft repair

Why Choose Alignment Specialists?

  • You can get all major and leading tire brands such as Goodyear, Bridgestone, and Cooper
  • Our state of the art technologies ensures improved tire performance and life
  • Overnight key drop service
  • Specialists in wheel alignment of autos, truck, trailers,
  • Relaxing waiting area with free WIFI

Top Auto Repair Shop In Kansas

Harris Auto Repair

Location :811 E 23rd St. Lawrence, KS 66046

Website :


  • Transmission repair/overhauls
  • Battery replacements
  • Computer wheel alignment
  • Oil changes
  • Oil and fluid leak repairs
  • Tire rotation and repair
  • Brake repair
  • Custom exhaust systems
  • Tire repairs (patching) or new tire
  • Tire sales and installation
  • Nitrogen filling services

Why Choose Harris Auto Repair?

  • Family owned and operated business providing auto repair services to families at an affordable rate
  • Great customer service and quality work
  • Highly skilled, experienced, and ASE certified technicians

Able Auto Service

Location; Kansas City, KS

Website :


  • Heating/AC check and repair
  • Engine diagnostics and repair
  • Shocks and struts
  • Auto glass repair and replacement
  • Alternators/batteries repair/replacement
  • Mufflers/exhaust system repair
  • Oil changes
  • Brake repair service
  • Alignment and suspension repair system

Why Choose Able Auto Service

  • Free battery test and charging
  • 10% off any repair above $150 upon presentation of coupon
  • Free exhaust inspection
  • Price match guarantee
  • Free brake inspection with every tire rotation
  • Free steering and suspension

Riley’s Full Service Auto Repair

Location :10640 Metcalf Overland Park, KS 66212 (1/2 block north of 435 on the west side of Metcalf)

Website :


  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Brake repair
  • Fluid exchange
  • Computer diagnostics
  • Safety &Emissions Inspections
  • Warning light
  • Transmission service
  • Windshield wiper blades repair
  • Tire and wheel services
  • Driveline Maintenance &Repair
  • Axle Replacement
  • Differential Service &Repair
  • Clutch Repair &Replacement
  • Power Accessory Repair
  • Part replacements
  • Heating and AC system repair
  • Towing services

Why Choose Riley’s Full Service Auto Repair

  • Bound by the strict code of ethics expected at a NAPA AutoCare
  • Quality NAPA parts and high-quality service as well as the NAPA warranty
  • ASE certified technicians handle all the repair and service work
  • Extended hours of operation each day, including working on weekends

Auto Image Inc.

Location :7215 E Harry St Wichita, KS 67207

Website :


  • Collision repair
  • Paintless dent removal
  • Auto window tinting
  • Interior and exterior trim
  • Seats and door panels installation
  • Bulletproof cosmetic and protective coating
  • Vehicle detailing
  • Paint correction services
  • Change lights appearance service

Why Choose Auto Image Inc.?

  • Deductible assistance offered to collision repair depending on the damage
  • Free estimate to customers with or without insurance
  • Over 20 years of experience in auto painting works
  • A courtesy vehicle is provided for qualifying services
  • Vehicle enhancements specialists

Top Auto Repair Shop In Kentucky

Louisville Brake &Muffler

Location :3510 Dixie Hwy, Shively, KY 40216, USA


  • Auto Repair &Service
  • Automobile Parts &Supplies
  • Automobile Repairing &Service-Equipment Supplies,
  • Brake Repair, Brake Service Equipment,
  • Mufflers &Exhaust Systems

Why Choose Louisville Brake &Muffler

  • Experienced and certified technicians
  • Free estimates

Tech-Tune Inc. Auto Service Center

Location :Bowling Green, KY

Website :


  • Computerized Diagnostics
  • Tune-Ups
  • Drive-Thru Oil Change
  • Brake repair service
  • Wheel Alignments
  • Steering and suspension system repair
  • Shocks and struts repair
  • Engine Repair
  • Air Conditioner Repair
  • Transmission Service
  • Coolant Flush

Why Choose Tech-Tune Inc. Auto Service Center?

  • Being a NAPA center, our services are guaranteed under the NAPA peace of mind warranty
  • Technicians working here are ASE certified and have many years of experience
  • Honest family business
  • Drive through oil changes ensures you don’t have to spend more time than is needed at our garage
  • Save money with the Loyalty reward point program on future repairs and service

McCarty’s Towing &Auto Repair Inc.

Location :Owensboro, KY


  • Towing services
  • Oil and filter changes
  • Engine repair
  • Automatic and manual transmission repair
  • Complete AC repair
  • Minor and major truck/trailer repair
  • Electrical and electronic systems diagnostics
  • Brakes and suspension maintenance/repair
  • Hydraulic systems repair
  • Battery testing/replacement
  • Brake chamber repair
  • Airbag repair

Why Choose McCarty’s Towing &Auto Repair Inc.?

  • Roadside assistance service will get you back on your wheels quickly. Whether it is a battery problem or a flat tire, our technicians will be on hand to help
  • 27/7 365 towing assistance for any stalled vehicle or I case you are involved in an accident
  • Latest diagnostics equipment and tools to help our ASE certified technicians accurately diagnose and carry out repairs

Top Auto Repair Shop In Louisiana

Mitey Automotive Center

Location :3530 Jefferson Highway Jefferson, LA 70121


  • Wheel Alignments
  • Brakes repair and service
  • Complete Diagnostics and Repair
  • Custom Muffler and Exhaust Services
  • CV Joints servicing
  • Electrical Systems repair and maintenance
  • Engine Cooling Systems
  • Fuel Pumps repair
  • Tire replacement, sales, and rotations
  • Tune-ups

Why Choose Mitey Automotive Center?

  • Our highly experienced and skilled mechanics are ASE certified and NAPA auto-care specialists
  • NAPA peace of mind warranty that is honored in thousands of garages countrywide
  • Family owned and operated businesses offering high-quality services at a fair price
  • Monthly specials where customers get various auto care discounts
  • Free estimates

LA Transmission Service

Location :5660 Plank Rd. Baton Rouge, LA 70805

Website :


  • Transmission diagnostics and inspections
  • Automatic and manual transmission repairs
  • Transmission rebuilds
  • Domestic and imported transmissions
  • 4*4 transmission service
  • Differentials repair
  • Driveline repair
  • Axle repair
  • Transfer cases repair/replacement
  • Transmission fluid replacement
  • Clutch Repair/replacement
  • Transmission Repairs
  • Transmission Maintenance
  • RV and specialty transmission Work
  • Oil changes
  • Fleet maintenance and repair services

Why Choose LA Transmission Service?

  • In operation since 1975, providing quality auto care
  • Specialists in transmission work. Not all garages offer transmission services, and even some that do are not specialized in it.
  • LA transmission service will offer the full range of transmission repairs, scheduled service, and rebuild

Doug’s Paint &Body Shop

Location :7819 Highway 1 Shreveport, LA 71107

Website :


  • Collision repair services
  • Frame straightening
  • Hail damage repair
  • Paintless dent repair
  • Aluminum body repair services
  • Auto glass replacement
  • Computerized wheel alignments
  • Scheduled maintenance services
  • Brake repair and maintenance
  • Suspension services
  • Battery repair/replacement
  • Engine repairs
  • Tire repair, installation balancing, and rotation services
  • Air conditioning services
  • Towing services

Why Choose Doug’s Paint &Body Shop?

  • Shuttle services available while your vehicle is worked on
  • Doug’s shop is certified by many vehicle manufactures for collision repairs and is a member of the Assured performance center
  • After hours drop off and towing services available
  • Written Lifetime guarantee of works carried out in our garage
  • We handle insurance claims
  • I-Car Gold Class highly trained repair professionals

Luke’s Paint &Body

Location :6879 Johnston Street Lafayette, LA 70503

Website :


  • Tire services
  • Front end alignments
  • Brake services
  • Oil changes
  • Paint services
  • Bodywork services
  • Frame alignment
  • Auto glass services

Why Choose Luke’s Paint &Body?

  • Warranty on paint and bodywork
  • 30 years of experience in the auto care industry.
  • Highly skilled and experienced mechanics
  • Member of the US chamber of commerce

Top Auto Repair Shop In Maine

Paulin’s Tire &Auto Care

Location :2218 Portland Road Arundel, ME 04046

Website :


  • Wheel alignment
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Brake repair
  • Belts and hoses repair/replacement
  • Vehicle inspection
  • Lube, oil, and filter change
  • Cooling system repair
  • Climate control systems repair
  • Differential repair
  • Axle, CV joint, and driveshaft repair
  • Engine diagnostics and repair
  • Electrical and electronic systems
  • Auto glass repair and replacement
  • Four-wheel drive system repair
  • Steering and suspension system repair
  • Transmission repair
  • Preventative maintenance

Why Choose Paulin’s Tire &Auto Care?

  • Repairs and mechanic services are done by highly skilled and qualified technicians who are well equipped with the latest diagnostic and repair equipment
  • Paulin’s Tire &Auto Care has a long-standing reputation in the area we serve

Triangle Service Center Inc.

Location :61 Lincoln St. Lewiston, ME 04240

Website :


  • Oil, filter, and lube change
  • Brakes and repair
  • Tire services
  • State inspections
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Collision repair

Why Choose Triangle Service Center Inc.?

  • High-quality service and competitive prices make customers troop to this garage
  • Honest and affordable Auto services

Auto Radiator Service

Location :568 Hammond St. Bangor, ME 04401

Website :


  • Oil changes
  • Electrical systems repair and maintenance
  • Fuel injector and carburetor service
  • Belt inspection and replacements
  • Tire rotations
  • A.C. repair
  • Engine light diagnostics
  • Cooling system flushes and repairs
  • Mechanical tune-ups
  • Suspension, Shocks, and struts repair
  • Remote key starters
  • Keyless entry
  • Power windows and doors
  • Back up sensors
  • Back up cameras
  • Sound system installation

Why Choose Auto Radiator Service?

  • 10% of A.C. tune-up
  • 50 years of Auto repair service makes us highly experienced and skilled in our trade
  • Our specialty services ensure you enjoy owning your car by enhancing conveniences such as remote start and car heating on cold mornings

Bonneau’s Garage

Location :298 Park Street Lewiston, ME 04240

Website :


  • Electrical diagnosis and repair
  • Computerized diagnostic
  • Brake and exhaust repairs
  • Oil change
  • Suspension and steering repairs
  • Engine repair and rebuild
  • Fuel injector cleaning

Why Choose Bonneau’s Garage?

  • Very honest service, if they can’t perform any service, they’ll happily recommend another garage
  • President and vice president are members of the Association of Automotive Service providers and Automotive Service excellence as well as the Service Technicians Society
  • The garage is a member of the Better Business Bureau

Sullivan Tire &Auto Service

Location :47 Bangor Mall Boulevard Bangor, ME 04401

Website :


  • Wheel alignments
  • Tire rotations
  • Belts and hoses service and repair
  • Brake fluid exchange
  • Automatic fluid transmission fluid exchange
  • Comprehensive vehicle inspection
  • Coolant fluid exchange
  • Computer diagnostics
  • Exhaust repair and emissions testing
  • Headlight restoration
  • Power steering fluid exchange
  • Timing belt service and maintenance
  • Wiper blade service

Why Choose Sullivan Tire &Auto Service?

  • Family-owned business in operation since 1955 with generations of satisfied customers
  • Nationwide warranty with Goodyear tires
  • Price match guarantee on all brand name tires. If you find a better price, we will beat it
  • Over 100 master ASE technicians and 30 advanced engine performance technicians to cater to all customer needs

Top Auto Repair Shop In Maryland

Brentwood Automotive

Location :1035 West 41st Street Baltimore, MD 21211

Website :


  • Brake repair
  • Vehicle inspection
  • Lube oil and filter change
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Wheel alignment
  • Climate control system maintenance and repair
  • Cooling system repair
  • Axle, CV Joint, Driveshaft Repair
  • Electrical and Electronic Systems
  • Differential Repair
  • Four Wheel Drive System inspection and repair
  • Computerized Engine Diagnostics and Performance check
  • Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
  • Steering and Suspension System
  • Starting, Charging &Batteries check and replacement

Why choose Brentwood Automotive?

  • ASE certified master technicians who handle European, Asian, or domestic vehicles.
  • Use of modern state of the art diagnostic equipment
  • They use only the highest quality original parts.
  • Guarantee of 12 months or 12000 miles on all our parts
  • Environmentally-friendly services.
  • Aggressive recycling and modern fluid recovery systems.
  • Quick turnaround times with best price

Auto Tech

Location :2455 Hudson Street Annapolis, MD 21401

Website :


  • Pre-purchase vehicle inspection
  • Diagnostic analysis
  • Oil change service
  • Engine Tune-Ups
  • Exhaust Installation and Repair
  • Computerized Wheel Alignment
  • Tire Pressure Monitoring Services
  • Steering and Suspension Services
  • Electronic Diagnosis and Scanning
  • Heating and Air Conditioning Services
  • Brake Line and Anti-Lock Brake Services
  • Brake Analysis
  • Cooling Systems maintenance
  • Fuel Injection Service
  • Transmission &Driveline Fluid Services
  • Timing and Serpentine Belt Replacement
  • Tire Rotation, Mounting, Balancing and Repair
  • 30, 60, and 90K Scheduled Maintenance

Why Choose Auto Tech?

  • Complimentary 30-point vehicle check
  • Experienced technicians who handle all vehicles, domestic and import
  • They ensure customers understand the services they require in clear, non-technical terms

Marv &Mikes Transmission &Auto Repair

Location :11508 Schuylkill Rd Rockville, MD 20852-2428

Website :


  • Transmission repair
  • Tire change
  • Brake repair
  • Oil change
  • Air filter change
  • Car battery check and repair
  • Cooling system repair service
  • Driveline repair
  • Exhaust repair and maintenance
  • Steering and suspension maintenance
  • Tire balancing
  • Transmission fluid flush
  • Wheel alignment
  • Wiper blade repair
  • Flat tire repair

Why Choose Marv &Mikes Transmission &Auto Repair?

  • Shuttle service to home and to work while your car is with us
  • Reasonable price and an accurate quote
  • Fast and reliable service
  • Honest diagnosis without trying to sell other services you don’t need.

Bussard’s Auto Repair &Towing

Location :1510 W. Patrick St Frederick, MD 21702

Website :


  • Computerized engine diagnostic
  • Comprehensive engine
  • Complete analysis of system sensor
  • Spark plug and filter replacement
  • Belt and hose replacement
  • Battery testing
  • Complete engine cooling check and repair
  • A.C. and heating services check and repair
  • Wheel and brake inspection and maintenance
  • Tire inspection rotation and replacement
  • Suspension and auto repair services
  • 24-hour emergency towing and recovery services

Why Choose Bussard’s Auto Repair &Towing?

  • Free estimate to all customers
  • Technicians are professionally trained and ASE-certified
  • Technicians have access to latest technology
  • Bussard’s Auto Repair &Towing is an authorized Maryland state inspection and emission testing garages
  • Environmentally friendly in all operation, including changed oil and filter disposal

Top Auto Repair Shop In Massachusetts

New England Brake Center

Location :22 Terrace Street Boston, MA 02120 and 273 E Main Street, Avon, MA 02322


  • Brake repair and replacement
  • Suspension services
  • Shock and strut repair and replacement
  • Complete engine repair and maintenance
  • Computer diagnostics
  • Engine sensors and electronics repair and maintenance

Why Choose New England Brake Center

  • Technicians are ASE qualified
  • Free and complete brake inspections
  • Two locations in Boston and Avon to serve our customers and provide quality service
  • Free estimate

Greasy’s Garage

Location :Greasy’s Garage 143A Hamilton Street Worcester, MA 01604

Website :


  • Air conditioner and heating system
  • Radiator and water pump services
  • Transmission system repair
  • Fuel system repair
  • Full maintenance service and tune up
  • Pre-purchase evaluation and inspection
  • Complete diagnostics
  • Engine overhaul and replacement
  • Brakes repair
  • Oil changes and wheel alignment
  • Safety restraint system maintenance
  • Belts and hoses replacement
  • Engine overhaul and replacement

Why Choose Greasy’s Garage?

  • The guarantee offers customers peace of mind knowing the business stands behind work done.
  • Same day service to minimize disruption to the customer
  • Lower prices than most dealership rates
  • 10% off parts on all first visit customers

Keinath Auto Body

Location :888 Main St West Springfield, MA 01089

Website :


  • General maintenance
  • Collision repairs
  • Old vehicle collision services
  • Restoration and fabrication
  • Electrical repairs
  • Computerized diagnostics
  • Oil changes and tune-ups
  • Frame straightening
  • General maintenance
  • Computerized paint matching
  • Towing services
  • Heated downdraft spray booth
  • Windshield, window, and sunroof replacement

Why Choose Keinath Auto Body?

  • Excellent customer service and friendly staff
  • Computerized paint matching ensures your vehicle gets the exact coat of paint
  • Prompt but efficient services that save time for customers

Ray’s Automotive Sales &Service

Location :1585 MIDDLESEX STREET LOWELL, MA 01851

Website :


  • Engine and transmission repair and maintenance
  • Brake check and repair
  • Vehicle electrical systems repair
  • Wheel alignment
  • Heating and cooling services
  • Undercar service
  • Drivetrain maintenance
  • Quick lube services
  • Anti-lock services
  • Differential system checks and repair
  • Shock absorbers diagnosis and repair
  • Drivability issues diagnosis and repair
  • Engine controls maintenance
  • Preventative maintenance

Why Choose Ray’s Automotive Sales &Service?

  • Highly trained and experienced experts
  • Ability and skills to repair most makes and models of vehicles, including domestic and imported
  • Highly sophisticated technology to properly diagnose all auto problems
  • Guarantee of all work done at the auto garage
  • Early bird and night drop-ins available

Top Auto Repair Shop In Michigan

Maaco Collision Repair &Auto Painting

Location :18250 Plymouth Blvd. Detroit, MI 48228

Website :


  • Collision repair
  • Paintless dent repair
  • Spray bed lining
  • Windshield repair
  • Cosmetic car repairs
  • Truck and oversized equipment painting
  • Spot painting

Why Choose Maaco Collision Repair &Auto Painting

  • Military, senior citizen, AAA, customer loyalty, and community service discounts available
  • WIFI access, coffee, and television in our waiting lounges as you wait for our mechanics to fix your car
  • Repairs are supported by a lifetime guarantee
  • Different packages for repair jobs to take care of varying budgets, all with warranties
  • The garage works with all major insurance companies to coordinate for all repairs

River City Auto &Transmission Inc.

Location :4020 Remembrance Rd Walker, MI 49534

Website :


  • Brakes
  • Transmission Services
  • Car &Truck Care
  • Electrical Services
  • Heating and Cooling Services
  • Electronic Services
  • Engine Maintenance
  • Engine &Transmission
  • Undercar Services
  • General Services
  • Miscellaneous Services
  • Tires
  • Preventative maintenance

Why Choose River City Auto &Transmission Inc.?

  • All parts and service are guaranteed under the North American warranty
  • Technicians are highly experienced, and ASE certified
  • High tech diagnostic equipment that guarantees all repairs and services are properly carried out first time
  • Highest quality replacement parts, oil, filters, and components

Showcase Collision &Auto Repair

Location :6330 E 14 Mile Rd, Warren, MI 48092

Website :


  • Body and Collision Repair
  • Complete Restoration
  • Minor and Major Collision Repair
  • Frame Straightening and Replacement
  • Windshield / Glass Replacement
  • Paintless Dent Repair​
  • Minor Scratch / Panel Painting
  • Dings and Dents
  • Hail and Storm Damage
  • Minor Rust Repair
  • Complete Vehicle Refinishing
  • Computerized Color Matching
  • Claims Assistance​
  • Theft / Vandalism Damage
  • Detailing
  • Mobile Estimating
  • Wheel alignment
  • Tire rotation

Why Choose Showcase Collision &Auto Repair

  • The owner of this family-owned business ensures all collision and repair works are done properly the first time, and technicians follow and 18-point checklist
  • The garage handles all insurance paperwork and follow-through
  • Garage owner ensures all customers understand the working of their vehicle as well as all repair work being done

Fairway Engine Exchange

Location :43560 Utica Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48314

Website :


  • Cylinder head repairs
  • Cracked aluminum heads repair
  • Engine rebuild and repair
  • Professional engine inspection
  • Remanufactured and used engines installation
  • Towing services

Why Choose Fairway Engine Exchange?

  • Three-year unlimited mile warranty on most engines
  • Free towing services available for inoperable vehicles to our shops for eligible customers
  • Exchanges engines available for marine, auto, and truck
  • More than 55 years in service selling to our valued customers who include auto repair shops

Bronson Tire &Auto Services

Location :13941 W. Seven Mile Rd. Detroit, Michigan 48235

Website :


  • High-performance window tinting
  • Remote car starter and alarms
  • Car logo customization
  • Brake Repair &Service
  • Transmission Work
  • Oil Change &Lube Service
  • Emergency Repairs
  • Vehicle graphics
  • Tinting and customization

Why Choose Bronson’s Auto Repair?

  • Exquisite customization and graphics works on most models of vehicles
  • Car starter package with convenient features such as keyless entry, alarm, heated seats, and smartphone integration
  • Added security systems make insurance cheaper and hence overall savings

Top Auto Repair Shop In Minnesota

Nelson’s Automotive Repair Shop


2314 E. HENNEPIN AVE, DINKYTOWN Minneapolis, MN(612) 439-45505415 S. 34TH AVE, NOKOMIS Minneapolis, MN(612) 439-46602809 LYNDALE AVE S, UPTOWN Minneapolis, MN(612) 439-4588



Why choose Nelson’s Automotive

  • Nick, owner and lead mechanic at Nelson’s Auto Repair Service, with more than 10 years of experience in the automotive industry, can solve any of your car’s problems in the most efficient and effective ways.
  • Nelson’s Automotive is a locally-owned auto repair shop, consisting of professional dedicated specialists. The Minneapolis and Twin Cities Communities are very important to Nelson’s Auto Repair, and they give back by giving discounted and limited free services to help ease financial worries.

Victory Auto Service &Glass


Location and phone number:

Brooklyn Park, MN(763) 315-0630Chanhassen, MN(952) 358-3535Duluth:4th St Auto Repair By Victory, MN(218) 724-8090Fridley, MN(763) 786-6920Ham Lake, MN(763) 780-1002Maplewood, MN(651) 403-5958Wyoming, MN(651) 462-1946Mobile Auto Glass, MN(763)-786-8716Eau Claire, WI(715) 834-8711Saint Petersburg, FL(727) 822-0278

Services :

  • Oil changes
  • Tires
  • Brakes
  • Auto glass repair
  • Transmission repair
  • Car batteries
  • Intoxalock

Why Choose Victory Auto Service &Glass

  • Jeff Matt, the founder of Victory Auto Service &Glass, had worked as an automotive technician before opening the shop 24 years ago. With decades of experience, they can handle all auto problems in the most efficient ways.
  • Transparent inspections &invoices, competitive prices have helped them to thrive in the auto community.
  • 9 branches and the Mobile Auto Glass services for your convenience

Parkway Auto Care

Location :1581 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, MN 55116

Website :


  • Computer diagnostics
  • Wheel alignment service
  • Engine repair
  • Tune-up
  • Smog and emission testing
  • Tire services
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Electrical system repair
  • Brake repair service
  • Oil change and other scheduled maintenance services
  • Transmission repair
  • Fuel injection service
  • Power steering service
  • Clutch repair
  • Cooling system flush
  • Air conditioning system repair
  • Wiper blades repair
  • Lights replacement
  • Belts and hoses replacement
  • Suspension and shock repair
  • Preventative maintenance

Why Choose Parkway Auto Care?

  • Qualified and ASE certified technicians are at hand to handle and answer your auto care needs
  • Latest diagnostic and repair technology for both domestic and imported vehicles
  • Enjoy the benefits of an established national entity NAPA) with the touch of a family-owned and operated business
  • NAPA national warranty on qualifying parts and labor offers peace of mind whenever you travel

Joe’s Auto &Transmission Service

Location :4818 Vine Place SE Rochester, MN 55904

Website :


  • Transmission repairs
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Wheel drive repairs:both front-wheel and four-wheel
  • Struts and shock replacement
  • Complete brake repair
  • Welding work
  • Paintwork
  • Fuel injection service
  • Clutch Repair/replacement
  • Electrical systems repair
  • Body and rust repairs

Why Choose Joe’s Auto &Transmission Service?

  • Service and repair available for cars and truck both domestic or imported
  • Over 50 years of experience providing high-quality auto care services at a fair price
  • All auto repair work is guaranteed
  • Free complete vehicle analysis before work is done

Troy’s Auto Service

Location :302 2nd St Proctor, MN 55810

Website :


  • Air conditioning system service
  • Brake repair service
  • Alternators check and repair
  • Clutch repair service
  • Computer diagnostics
  • Engine repair
  • Exhaust systems repair
  • Heating system repair
  • Oil and filter changes
  • Suspension shock, struts repair and replacement
  • Tune-ups
  • Complete tire services
  • Towing services
  • 24hour wrecking service
  • Roadside assistance

Why Choose Troy’s Auto Service?

  • Tire rebates on select tires help you save on tire change
  • Troy’s Auto Service has served the Proctor region for three generations. They have earned trust and a reputation for quality service
  • All professionals working here are certified by Automotive Service Excellence institute
  • Great deals to AAA members on select repairs, towing, and roadside assistance
  • 24-hour wrecker service offering roadside assistance such as tire change, jump starts, and lockout assistance
  • Troy’s has an easily accessible location on highway 2

Top Auto Repair Shop In Mississippi

Mr. Transmission

Location; 2374 Hwy. 80 W, Jackson, MS 39204

Website :


  • Computerized transmission diagnostics
  • Fluid check
  • Transmission repair
  • Transmission rebuilds
  • Torque converter repair
  • CVT repair
  • Towing services

Why Choose Mr. Transmission?

  • Having specialists at transmission will bring customers to cost down since the best option is always preferred.
  • You don’t have to change the whole transmission.
  • Repairs, rebuild or changings parts are viable options offered here
  • Free performance checks to detect and diagnose problems
  • $100 off automatic transmissions repair
  • Technicians and transmission specialists have high-quality experience making this garage the preferred stop for transmission problems in the region

Buchanan’s Transmission Service

Location :9166 Lorraine Rd Gulfport, MS 39503-6153

Website :


  • New and used transmission parts
  • Transmission repair
  • Transmission rebuild
  • Clutch replacement
  • Torque converter repair and replacement services
  • Custom rebuild transmissions
  • New flywheel installation

Why Choose Buchanan’s Transmission Service?

  • All transmission work is guaranteed with a 12 month/12,000 miles’ warranty
  • High-quality transmission services and advice
  • Our transmission services help prolong your transmission lifespan
  • Free local towing and repair

Southaven Car Care

Location :9050 HWY 51 NORTH SOUTHAVEN, MS 38671

Website :


  • Engine overhaul and maintenance services
  • Timing belt replacement
  • 30/60/90K Mileage Maintenance
  • 4×4 Services
  • Wheel bearing replacement
  • Check Engine Light
  • Brakes repair services
  • Transmission repair/replacement
  • Heating and cooling systems services
  • Oil, lube, and filter change
  • Domestic Cars &Trucks
  • Electrical Services
  • Electronic and electronic Services
  • Undercar Services

Why Choose Southaven Car Care?

  • Southaven Car Care is a certified AutoPlus professional center
  • Have a customer pledge to uphold the highest standards of care and trust and to provide skilled and experienced staff for all work
  • All repair work is backed by the Repair Assurance North American Warranty
  • Technicians are certified by the Automotive Service Excellence institute
  • Money-saving specials regularly available

Smith Brothers Collision Center

Location :32 King Road Hattiesburg, MS 39402


  • Auto body repair work
  • Auto paint services
  • Front end alignments
  • Fleet repair and maintenance services
  • Frame straightening and repair
  • Fender bender repairs
  • 24-hour towing services
  • Brake inspections and repair
  • Fuel injector repair
  • Air conditioning repair
  • Shocks, struts, and suspension repair
  • Wheel alignment
  • Steel front bumper replacement
  • Custom wheel and tires

Why Choose Smith Brothers Collision Center?

  • Sophisticated collision repair technology and equipment
  • I-Car training for our staff
  • OEM certified by most auto manufacturers to return the vehicle to pre-accident condition
  • All insurance is accepted here
  • A quick free estimate and representation to the insurance company every step of the collision repair process
  • A member of the
  • This is the consumer body that advocates for returning vehicles to the pre-accident condition.
  • Many insurance companies will try to use substandard parts or junkyard waste to cut costs, which devalue your car.

Top Auto Repair Shop In Missouri

Cottman Transmission And Total Auto Care

Location :8401 Wornall Road Kansas City, MO 64114

Website :


  • Check engine light diagnostic and fixing
  • Belts and hoses repair/replacement
  • Transmission repair, rebuild, or replacement
  • Clutch repair and service
  • Driveline repair and service
  • Power steering and suspension repair and service
  • Engine tune-up
  • Heating and cooling systems repair
  • Fleet maintenance and repair service

Why Choose Cottman’s?

  • Free towing service with any major repair service within 15 miles
  • Extended national warranties on a wide range of services and parts
  • A member of the Better Business Bureau, AutoCare Association, and ATRA

St Louis Hills Auto

Location :8517 Gravois Rd., Affton, MO 63123

Website :


  • State inspections both emissions and safety
  • Wheel alignments
  • Tire sales, installation, and rotation
  • Computerized diagnostics
  • Towing and wrecker services
  • Brake repair services
  • Check engine light
  • Axle, CV joint, and driveshaft repair
  • Climate control systems maintenance and repair
  • Differential repair
  • Belts and hoses
  • Cooling systems
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Four-wheel drive systems maintenance and repair
  • Auto glass repair and replace
  • Roadside assistance
  • Transmission services

Why Choose St Louis Hills Auto?

  • Repair financing with a fast, flexible, and affordable loan
  • Shop equipped with the latest diagnostic technology and equipment
  • Competitive prices on tire brands
  • Quality repair services backed by accurate diagnostics
  • Free Wi-Free and coffee in a comfortable waiting room
  • Shuttle service available

Scott’s Sunshine Automotive

Location :2754 W Sunshine St Springfield, MO 65807

Website :


  • Brake Service and Repair
  • Clutch Repairs &Replacement
  • Computerized Wheel and Frame Alignments
  • Drive Train Repair
  • Inspection services- state, pre-purchase, and used vehicle
  • Air Conditioning Recharge Service
  • Towing Services
  • Airbag and SRS Systems
  • Belt and Hoses Replacement
  • Wiper Blade Replacement
  • Check Engine Light Diagnostics
  • Complete Tuning
  • Engine Repair
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Power Steering Fluid Exchange Service
  • Timing belt replacement
  • Transmission service
  • Headlight replacement

Why Choose Scott’s Sunshine Automotive

  • 3 years/100,000 miles warranty on transmission and engines
  • 12 months/12,000 miles warranty on repairs and parts
  • Online scheduling of appointments
  • 24-hour vehicle drop off service
  • Highly personalized service that addresses your specific problem

Susquehanna Auto Clinic

Location :18200 E US Hwy 24 Independence, MO 64056


  • Suspension repair and service
  • Brake repair
  • Engine repair
  • Maintenance and electrical diagnostics
  • Heating and Air conditioning service
  • Electrical and electronic systems diagnostics
  • Transmission repair
  • Tuning
  • Fleet solutions
  • Emissions testing
  • Windshield replacement
  • Auto glass installation
  • Inspection services

Why Choose Susquehanna Auto Clinic?

  • Being a NAPA service center, qualifying repairs and parts are guaranteed under the NAPA national warranty that is honored in more than 13,000 auto service centers nationally
  • ASE certified center and mechanics
  • Money-saving specials frequently available to customers

Top Auto Repair Shop In Montana

Top Tech Automotive

Location :70 25th St W Billings, Montana 59102

Website :


  • Brake repair service
  • Clutch Repair/replacement
  • Differentials repair
  • Cooling system repair
  • Belts and hoses replacement
  • Drivetrain repair
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Engine diagnosis and repair
  • Filters and fluids replacement
  • Tire repair services
  • Collision repair
  • Auto paint services
  • Jeep customizing and fabrication

Why Choose Top Tech Automotive?

  • Free inspection to diagnose check engine light issues
  • Top Tech Automotive services and repairs a wide range of models from different manufacturers
  • Cost-cutting offers, discounts, and specials
  • Financing for expensive repair work can be arranged
  • AAA approved auto service center and ASE certified

Ron’s Auto Refinishers

Location :919 Strand Ave, Missoula, MT 59801

Website :


  • Window tinting
  • Windshield replacement
  • Collision repair
  • Auto glass replacement
  • Auto restoration
  • Auto painting

Why Choose Ron’s Auto Refinishers?

  • Free in-depth estimates and insurance filling assistance by the collision experts
  • One-stop garage for collision repairs and auto window replacing after you have been involved in an accident

S &D Automotive Repair

Location :4201 2nd Ave. N. Great Falls, MT 59405

Website :


  • Four-wheel drive transmissions
  • Automatic and manual transmissions
  • Brakes repair and maintenance
  • Clutches repair and maintenance
  • Computerized diagnostics
  • Driveshaft diagnosis and repair
  • Major Overhaul
  • Exhaust system and mufflers repair
  • Transmission Flush
  • Transmission rebuilding

Why Choose S &D Automotive Repair?

  • A dependable and reputable business that provides honest service
  • Skilled and experienced mechanics ready to handle all your servicing and repair needs

B &B Auto Repair

Location :107 Commercial Drive, Suite C Bozeman, MT 59715, USA



  • Engine rebuilds
  • Brake repair
  • Car tune-ups
  • Transmission repair
  • Engine repair
  • Electrical repair services
  • Oil changes
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Headlight replacement

Why Choose B &B Auto Repair

  • Free estimates for repair work
  • Free pick-up and free towing services for major repairs
  • Free delivery of repaired vehicles
  • When you take your vehicles here, you can expect free and accurate quotes, accurate diagnosis, explanation of the repair process, and timely repairs.

Top Auto Repair Shop In Nebraska

Anderson AutoCare

Location :13223 Q Street Omaha, NE 68137



  • Engine, fuel systems, emissions, &performance
  • Cooling system service &repairs
  • Air conditioning &heater service
  • Brake systems, axle service/replacement, wheels, &tires
  • Electrical circuits, electronics, and switches repair
  • Transmission &clutch service
  • Charging &starting systems repairs
  • Preventative maintenance services
  • Wrecker services

Why Choose Anderson AutoCare?

  • Free loaner vehicles (2016 Malibu Sedan) while we service your car on a pre-scheduled basis
  • 40-point maintenance inspections done by professionals
  • ASE certified technicians
  • Free nitrogen filling with tire purchase
  • 20% discount off new customers
  • Free car wash with every oil, filter, and lube change

Hillis 66, Inc.

Location :600 South Street Lincoln, NE 68502-2043

Website :


  • Transmission service
  • Complete brakes repair service
  • Wheel Alignment
  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Gas services
  • Oil, filter, and lube changes

Why Choose Hillis 66, Inc.?

  • Family-owned business
  • In operation for more than 40 years hence highly experienced
  • All technicians are ASE certified
  • Quick full-service gas pumping, windshield cleaning, and fluid top off

Blaha Service

Location :403 W Mission Ave, Bellevue, NE 68005

Website :


  • Fuel injector repairs
  • Air-conditioning services
  • Drive belts replacement
  • Pulleys and timing belts replacement
  • Wheel alignment
  • Steering rack
  • Shocks and struts replacement
  • Engine repair
  • Computer systems
  • Electrical systems repair
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Brakes repair
  • Suspension system repair
  • Clutch transmission repair

Why Choose Blaha Service?

  • Free estimates on all auto repair services
  • Highly qualified and skilled technicians

Advantage Car Care

Location :218 Kaufman Ave, Grand Island NE 68803

Website :


  • Battery service
  • Brake repair service
  • Clutch Repair/replacement
  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Computerized diagnostics
  • Electrical and electronics diagnosis and repair
  • Engine repair
  • Oil, lube, and filter change
  • Shocks and struts repair
  • State inspections
  • Suspension repair
  • Driveshaft repair

Why Choose Advantage Car Care?

  • NAPA service center offering all the benefits of the national entity and the NAPA warranty
  • Licensed and insure auto center
  • Advantage car is an ASE certified center

Top Auto Repair Shop In Nevada

D.I. Auto Service

Location: 4263 Boulder Hwy. Las Vegas, NV



  • Computerized car diagnostics
  • Engine rebuild
  • Brake inspection and service
  • Transmission inspection, service, and rebuild
  • Tune-ups and body-work
  • Full-service electrical repair
  • A/C recharge
  • Oil change
  • Repair of car electronic systems
  • Complete auto maintenance service

Why Choose D.I. Auto Service?

  • Diagnostics, brake inspection, and transmission inspection are completely free
  • Service and maintenance options range from minor repairs to full-service. They have custom packages for 30,000 miles, 60,000 miles and 90, 000 miles
  • Cover gasoline as well as diesel vehicles. That includes cars, light trucks, and heavy trucks
  • Free towing for every car repaired at D.I. Auto Service
  • Car repair estimates are generated free of charge
  • Financing available for customers who can’t cover the full amount
  • Up to 24-month warranty

Rebel Automotive

Location :975 American Pacific Dr, Ste 103, Henderson, NV

Website :


  • A/C repair
  • Engine repair
  • Transmission repair
  • Tire repair and wheel alignment
  • Inspection and repair of brakes, brake pads, and rotors
  • Inspection and repair of axles and struts
  • Tune-ups and body-works
  • Smog check and diagnosis of emissions system
  • Battery maintenance
  • Oil change
  • Repair of car electronic systems

Why Choose Rebel Automotive?

  • Coupons and special offers on select services like an oil change
  • Outstanding hospitality. There’s a free arcade for registered Rebel members and a professional suit for business professionals and college students
  • Towing services available from any location to shop
  • Shuttle service available from shop to your house
  • Multiple means of payment accepted, including credit card, cash, and financing
  • Up to 12 months warranty in case of a 12,000-mile service
  • Point system allows customers to accrue and later redeem point

The Auto Clinic &Mill St. Tire

Location: 3180 Mill St. Ste. C Reno, NV

Website :


  • Car diagnostics
  • Minor and major car repairs
  • Auto maintenance service
  • Battery management and replacement
  • Pre-purchase inspection
  • Tire repair and wheel alignment

Why Choose The Auto Clinic &Mill St. Tire?

  • Offer minor and major repairs as well as full auto service
  • 24-month warranty on 12,000-mile service
  • Coupons, discounts, and special offers available to customers
  • Specialists in Asian imports but also service and maintain domestic brands, including Ford, GM, Chevy, JEEP, etc.
  • Over 40 years of experience in auto repair and maintenance

Brake Masters – Full Service Auto Repair

Location :4620 West Craig Rd. North Las Vegas, NV

Website :


  • Car diagnostics
  • Engine repair
  • Lube, oil change, and filter
  • Repair of A/C and heating systems
  • Repair of belts and hoses
  • Brake inspection and repair
  • Inspection and repair of CV boots and axles
  • Battery management
  • Inspection and repair of starter and alternator
  • Alignments
  • Inspection and repair of shock

Why Choose Brake Masters?

  • Full-service auto repair shop. They can handle any problem your car may be having
  • Diagnose, repair, and maintain all brands of cars; domestic and foreign
  • Brake Masters have multiple auto repair centers in Albuquerque, El Paso, Las Vegas, Northern Arizona, Phoenix, Tucson, Sacramento, and South California
  • Discounts available on various services, including oil service, computerized alignment, brake replacement, etc.

Top Auto Repair Shop In New Hampshire

Jon’s Shafts &Stuff

Location :347 Massabesic Street, Manchester, NH 03103

Website :


  • Preventative maintenance
  • Transmission repair and rebuild
  • Driveshaft repair and rebuild
  • Custom driveshaft
  • Custom exhaust
  • Rear-End Repair &Replacement
  • Clutch repair services
  • Engine diagnostics and repair
  • Custom welding
  • Custom off-road vehicles building
  • Utility trailer repair

Why Choose Jon’s Shafts &Stuff?

  • More than 35 years in the auto repair service industry specializing in driveline and transmission
  • Sophisticated machines to diagnose today’s sophisticated computer-controlled components
  • Customized service to each client
  • Locally owned and operated

Nashua Wholesale Tire &Auto

Location :103 Temple St. Nashua, NH 03060

Website :


  • Exhaust system repair
  • Axle and CV joint repair
  • Brake repair
  • Belts and hose maintenance
  • Lube and oil filter change3
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Steering and suspension system repair
  • Tire and pressure monitoring system
  • Wheel services and wheel alignment
  • Vehicle inspection
  • Tire services
  • Starting charging and batteries maintenance

Why Choose Nashua Wholesale Tire &Auto?

  • Lowest brake prices in town
  • Long-standing reputation ad complete satisfaction to our customers in the region we operate in
  • Wide variety of tires from all best brands at very competitive straightforward prices
  • Honest, friendly old fashioned prices
  • High-quality products and professional workmanship

Wicklund’s Automotive Center

Location :240 N State St, Concord, NH 03301


  • Auto Engines Service &Repair
  • Auto Service &Repair
  • Auto Electrical Repair
  • Auto Clutch Repair
  • Brake Repair
  • Air bag check and repair
  • Air conditioning check and repair
  • Auto A.C. repair
  • Auto alignment
  • Carburetor repair
  • Brake line installation and repair
  • Brake adjustments
  • Hydraulic brake service
  • Driveshaft repair
  • Emission testing
  • Radiator service and repair
  • Spark plug, spark brake service, and repair
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Computerized diagnosis
  • Hydro boost brake service
  • Leak repair maintenance

Why Choose Wicklund’s Automotive Center?

  • Brake repair specialists
  • Emergency services available
  • A well established and honest full-service automotive service center

Top Auto Repair Shop In New Jersey

Belmont Motor Works

Location :531 Central Ave Newark, NJ 07107

Website :


  • Brakes repair service
  • Shocks and struts repair/replacement
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Engine Tune-ups
  • Oil change
  • Wheel alignment
  • Suspension repair
  • Electrical systems repair

Why Choose Belmont Motor Works?

  • Specialists in BMW, Mercedes and Range Rover vehicles
  • Each BMW part is quality assured and has a manufactures warranty
  • All technicians are highly experienced in these three European models

E R Auto Service

Location :246 Seaview Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07305


  • Computer diagnostics
  • Brake repair and replacement
  • Transmission services
  • Electrical diagnostics
  • Engine/transmission repair
  • Engine cooling maintenance
  • Safety analysis
  • Oil changes
  • Tune-ups
  • Mufflers and exhaust systems
  • Steering and suspension system repair
  • Wheel alignments

Why Choose E R Auto Service?

  • Certified auto center for both domestic and foreign vehicles
  • Close to 40 years of experience serving and repairing cars in the Jersey City area
  • NAPA coast to coast 24-month warranty

Duran Auto Service &Tires

Location :601 Madison Ave. Paterson, NJ 07514

Website :


  • Front end repair
  • Aftermarket services
  • Smog/emission testing
  • Tire sales and services
  • Towing service
  • Filter, lube, and oil change
  • Air conditioning maintenance
  • Belts and hoses repair
  • Brake system maintenance
  • Battery replacement
  • Computerized diagnostics
  • Fuel injection repair
  • Clutch Repair/replacement
  • Radiator service
  • Lights replacement
  • Power steering repair
  • Wheel alignment

Why Choose Duran Auto Service &Tires?

  • Being a member of NAPA, the NAPA peace of mind nationwide warranty is available for parts and labor
  • Honest ASE certified technicians who employ the latest equipment and technology for diagnoses and repair
  • Money-saving promotions and specials are offered to customers

Mark’s Auto Service

Location :834 Valley Rd, Gillette, NJ 07933

Website :


  • Four-wheel drive services
  • Wheel alignments
  • Brake repair services
  • Engine maintenance
  • Transmission repair services
  • Drive train repair and services
  • Inspections and emissions
  • Heating and cooling repair
  • Fleet management services
  • Wheel and tire services
  • Quick lube services

Why Choose Mark’s Auto Service?

  • 12 month/12,000 miles’ national warranty
  • AAA approved auto repair center
  • ASE certified auto center

Top Auto Repair Shop In New Mexico

The Auto Clinic &Transmissions

Location :341 San Pedro Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

Website :


  • Four-wheel drive services
  • Brake and clutch repair services
  • Air conditioning repair
  • Heating and cooling systems
  • Driveshaft repair
  • Electrical systems repair
  • Exhaust systems repair
  • Fuel systems maintenance
  • Oil and lube changes
  • Transmission rebuilds and replacement
  • Shocks and suspension repair/replacement
  • Tune-ups

Why Choose The Auto Clinic &Transmissions?

  • Located owned automotive center in operation since 1954 acquiring valuable experience since
  • Fast, reliable, and guaranteed repair and service work
  • Quality service by skilled technicians at affordable prices

Aguirre Auto Service

Location :2460 Lakeside Drive Las Cruces, NM 88007

Website :


  • Wheel alignment
  • Brake repair service
  • Fuel injection service
  • AC repair
  • Front end work
  • Computerized diagnostics
  • Electrical services
  • Oil and filter change
  • Comprehensive battery check
  • Brake inspection
  • Tire rotation

Why Choose Aguirre Auto Service?

  • 24 month/24,000moles NAPA nationwide warranty
  • AAA quality service award from New Mexico for outstanding performance
  • More than 25 years with a long-standing reputation of great customer service
  • ASE certified technicians who are continually acquiring new training to improve their skills
  • A member of Automotive Service Association

West Mesa Auto Craft

Location :122 Frontage Road, Rio Rancho, NM 87124

Website :


  • Minor dent repair
  • Paint scratches
  • Straightening bent frames
  • Fiberglass repair
  • Alignment correction
  • Bodywork
  • Collision repair

Why Choose West Mesa Auto Craft?

  • Every collision repair job comes with a lifetime guarantee
  • Technicians are ASE and I-Car certified specialists who are highly experienced and have access to the latest technology and tools
  • Specialists in collision repair and repaint. No job is impossible for them on any vehicle make and any frame material
  • Free and commitment-free estimate
  • Expert paint color matching technique to restore your vehicle to pre-accident condition

AutoRight Collision Repair

Location :1219 Siler Rd, Santa Fe NM 87507

Website :


  • Collision repair
  • Computerized estimates
  • Auto body repair
  • Frame straightening
  • Paintless dent removal
  • Scratch/dent repair
  • Wheel alignment
  • Painting/refinishing
  • Windshield replacement
  • Wiper replacement
  • Headlight, tail lamp, and bulb replacement
  • Door handle and switch replacement
  • Sunroof replacement
  • Mirror replacement

Why Choose AutoRight Collision Repair

  • Computerized estimates for insurance purposes from a highly qualified estimator
  • Lifetime warranty on all repair work as long as you own the vehicle
  • Mindful about the environment. All paints used are waterborne, and recycling of materials is highly encouraged here
  • They will work with most insurance companies to bring back our vehicle to pre-accident state

Top Auto Repair Shop In New York

Malibu Auto Repair

Location :502 Coney Island Avenue Brooklyn, NY



  • Auto diagnostics
  • A/C repair
  • Brake service
  • Repair of electrical systems
  • Engine diagnosis and repair
  • Transmission diagnosis and repair
  • Suspension diagnosis and repair
  • Tire service
  • Auto maintenance
  • Smog checks and state inspections
  • Collision repair (paint job, body repair, glass service, etc.)

Why Choose Malibu Auto Repair?

  • Family-owned business that focuses on excellence
  • Offer scheduled maintenance services for personal and fleet cars and trucks
  • Services available for all vehicle types; domestic and foreign
  • Towing services available for Malibu Auto Repair customers
  • State-of-the-art equipment and machinery

American Auto &Plate Glass

Location: 808 Central Ave. Albany NY 12206 at Everett Road



  • Installation and repair of automotive upholstery
  • Installation of aftermarket heated seats
  • Truck accessories
  • Restoration of laminated safety glass for older vehicles
  • Repair and replacement of convertible top glass
  • Repair of broken glass in truck caps and van conversion
  • Safety glass replacement for earthmoving and construction machinery
  • Installation of custom made leather seat covers
  • Vehicle carpet installation/replacement

Why Choose American Auto &Plate Glass?

  • Over 40 years of experience in upholstery and automotive glass repair and replacement.
  • A 3 year/36000-mile warranty is provided for every customer
  • A large selection of auto carpet kits to choose from
  • Wide selection of windshields and auto glass from
  • One-stop shop for complete interior restoration of classic cars, muscle cars, or hot rods.

Scruggs Automotive Repair

Location :6908 Transit Road Williamsville NY 142221

Website :


  • Comprehensive vehicle inspection
  • Advanced diagnostic services with sophisticated software
  • Performance upgrades
  • Brake repair and replacement
  • Semi-synthetic and synthetic oil changes
  • Wheel alignment
  • Tire sales, service, and repair.

Why Choose Scruggs Automotive Repair

  • Mechanics are Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified and highly experienced
  • 24 months /24,000 miles’ warranty on qualifying repair and service work
  • A certified NAPA AutoCare center. Offers peace of mind that your vehicle will be serviced in more than 13000 centers nationally

Griff’s Auto Service Inc.

Location :55 Cedarfield Commons, Rochester, N.Y.



  • Engine diagnostics and repair
  • Brake diagnostics, repair, and replacement
  • Transmission diagnostics and repair
  • Tire pressure monitor services
  • Tire repair and replacement
  • Diagnosis and repair of steering and suspension
  • Oil change
  • Computerized wheel alignment
  • New York state inspections
  • Insurance claims
  • Towing services

Why Choose Griff’s Auto Service?

  • Customers get towing services
  • Free shuttle service after vehicle towing or when you take the car to the shop
  • Free Wi-Fi and coffee for all their customers
  • Offer state inspections
  • Handle insurance claims and honor extended warranties

Top Auto Repair Shop In North Carolina

Statesville Avenue Garage

Location :3714 Statesville Ave Charlotte, NC 28206

Website :


  • Oil changes
  • State inspections
  • Brake repair
  • Auto air conditioning repair
  • Minor and major repairs
  • Tire services
  • Front end services
  • Transmission system repair
  • Tune-ups

Why Choose Statesville Avenue Garage

  • Technicians are ASE certified, experienced and skilled
  • They can handle all vehicle models and makes, including imported ones

King’s Auto Service Inc.

Location :1039 North West Street, Raleigh, NC 27603

Website :


  • Hybrid cars maintenance services
  • Battery Repairs and Replacements
  • Oil changes
  • Tire sales
  • Brake repairs
  • Hybrid repairs

Why Choose King’s Auto Service Inc.?

  • 36 month/36,000 miles’ warranty for repairs backed by the TechNet Auto service, honored all over the country
  • Hybrid vehicles are increasingly becoming more popular.
  • Garages have not kept up with the trend.
  • Here you’ll get all auto services that your hybrid vehicle needs, including preventative maintenance and repairs
  • The auto repair center is L3 certified by the Automotive Service Excellence to service hybrid vehicles
  • Money-saving specials including free hybrid inspection, up to $100 off repairs for new customers, and free A/C check

Your Automotive Service Center

Location :1707-A Battleground Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27408

Website :


  • Computerized diagnostics
  • Engine services
  • Check engine light
  • Fuel injection repair
  • Tune-ups
  • Brake repair service
  • Air conditioning repair/replacement
  • Cooling system repair
  • Heating system repair
  • Timing belts change
  • Scheduled maintenance
  • State inspections
  • Roadside assistance
  • Shuttle service

Why Choose Your Automotive Service Center?

  • ASE certified mechanics with many years of experience. Some of the mechanics have achieved the ASE master technician certification.
  • Up to date diagnostic equipment and repair tools
  • Discounts are regularly available to customers on various parts and services
  • Nationwide warranty provided by the TechNet Professional Auto Service center program

Quality Automotive Service

Location :3504 Harmon Rd Winston-Salem, NC 27107

Website :


  • Electrical and electronics repair
  • Four-wheel drive repair
  • Wheel alignment
  • Tire sales
  • Tire changes
  • Tire balancing and rotation
  • Brake service
  • Emergency roadside assistance
  • Engine maintenance
  • Transmission repair services
  • Heating and cooling services
  • Inspection and emissions services
  • Towing and recovery services
  • Undercar Services

Why Choose Quality Automotive Service?

  • 24 months/24,000 miles’ nationwide warranty on qualifying parts and labor
  • Member of the Better Business Bureau
  • ASE certified auto repair center

Top Auto Repair Shop In North Dakota

Southpointe Service Center

Location :3231 33rd St SW, Fargo, ND 58104

Website :


  • Four-wheel drive repair
  • Clutches repair
  • Air conditioning repair
  • Carburetor repair
  • Engine repair
  • Electrical component repair
  • Fuel system repair
  • Mufflers and exhaust system
  • Oil, lube, and filter changes
  • Suspension repair
  • Transmission system repair
  • Radiator and cooling system repair
  • Inspection services
  • Towing services
  • Tune-ups
  • Wheel alignment

Why Choose Southpointe Service Center?

  • Devotion to honest customer service
  • Very competitive rates
  • Skilled and experienced expert mechanics

Auto Experts

Location :2017 Demers Ave Grand Forks, ND 58201

Website :


  • Cooling and heating systems repair
  • Complete brake repair service
  • Electrical system maintenance
  • Engine replacement
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Fuel system repair
  • Remote car starter installation
  • Keyless entry
  • Alarm systems
  • Suspension repair
  • Transmission repair/replacement
  • Tune-ups
  • Scheduled maintenance

Why Choose Auto Experts?

  • Full-service auto repair and maintenance shop for all your needs
  • They handle domestic and foreign cars and light trucks

Auto Therapy

Location :2121 Lee Ave, Unit B Bismarck, ND 58504

Website :


  • Wheel alignment
  • Brake repair
  • Engine and transmission service
  • Heating and cooling systems repair
  • Engine maintenance
  • Electrical and electronic services
  • Undercar Services
  • Pre-purchase and Pre-Trip inspections

Why Choose Auto Therapy?

  • Parts installed are guaranteed by the CARQUEST coast to coast guarantee that covers repairs in the USA, Canada, and Mexico
  • Knowledgeable and expert mechanics who have the latest technology to diagnose and repair domestic and imported vehicles

Country Auto

Location :4225 North Broadway Minot, ND 58703

Website :


  • Axle Repair and Replacement
  • Brake Repair
  • Engine Repair
  • Tune-ups
  • Air Conditioning Service
  • Exhaust System
  • Front End Work
  • Complete Diagnostic Services
  • Light Replacement
  • Belt and Hose Replacement
  • Coolant Service
  • Power Steering
  • Oil, filter, and lube change
  • Cooling System Flush
  • Fuel Injection Service
  • Car Battery Replacement
  • Suspension and Shock Repair
  • Vehicle Preventative Maintenance

Why Choose Country Auto?

  • NAPA warranty that covers qualifying parts and labor and honored all over the country
  • High-quality diagnostic service and repairs using quality NAPA parts at an affordable price
  • ASE certified technicians

Top Auto Repair Shop In Ohio

Bee Line Aligning Service

Location :1030 Harmon Ave Columbus, OH 43223

Website :


  • Brake repair and service
  • Wheel alignment services
  • Fleet management services

Why Choose Bee Line Aligning Service?

  • Highly specialized in brake repair service
  • Skilled technicians working here are brake experts.
  • They will accurately diagnose your brake problems and promptly fix it
  • In operation for more than 60 years doing brake repair work
  • Excellent fleet management service

Mufflers for Less

Location :5085 Pearl Rd. Cleveland, OH 44129

Website :


  • Brakes repair and service
  • Catalytic convertors
  • Shocks and struts
  • Oil, lube, and filter changes
  • General undercar work

Why Choose Mufflers for Less?

  • Most recommended exhaust shop in Cleveland area
  • Custom bend specialists
  • They can work on standard, show, and classic cars
  • Quality products at affordable rates

Engel’s Auto Service &Towing

Location :4724 Springdale Rd Cincinnati, OH 45251

Website :


  • Computerized diagnostics
  • Oil, filter, and lube changes
  • Brake service repair
  • Engine repair and replacement
  • Transmission repair
  • Clutch replacement
  • Wheel balancing
  • Steering rack repair
  • Suspension repair
  • AC and heating systems repair
  • Collision repairs
  • Paint jobs
  • Frame straightening
  • Dent removal
  • Auto glass installation
  • Vehicle inspection services
  • Towing services
  • Abandoned car removal services

Why Choose Engel’s Auto Service &Towing?

  • One-year warranty on paint jobs
  • Towing services. They can tow any vehicle, including heavy trucks, any day
  • You’ll get lasting solutions to your auto problems
  • All your vehicle repair and servicing needs will be met here

Smitty’s Automotive

Location :5750 Jackman Rd. Toledo, OH 43613

Website :


  • Engine repair
  • Transmission
  • Diagnostic
  • Tires and wheel alignment
  • Brake repair and service
  • Front end and steering
  • Oil change service
  • Suspension
  • Tune-up service
  • Air condition and heating service
  • Mobile homes and RV service

Why Choose Smitty’s Automotive?

  • Repairs and services domestic and foreign of all makes and models with over 50 years of experience
  • Experienced staff with a combined experience of over 225 years
  • A choice auto repair shop for many families in Toledo
  • ASE certified technicians, 2 world certified technicians, and several master technicians

Top Auto Repair Shop In Oklahoma

Ruedy’s Auto Shop

Location :12 N.E. 3rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Website :


  • Tire pressure
  • Engine oil checks
  • Brakes and brake fluids
  • Coolant levels
  • Belts and hoses checks
  • Wipers and air filters checks
  • Spark plugs repairs
  • Auto body and paintwork
  • Collision damage
  • Mechanical repairs
  • Complete auto maintenance

Why Choose Ruedy’s Auto Shop?

  • Honest and trustworthy auto shop
  • Accepts insurance claims
  • Experienced technicians who pay attention to detail
  • Provides free estimates prior to service being provided and guarantee a good customer experience

Tulsa Auto Spring

Location :6545 E. 21 PL Tulsa, OK 74129

Website :


  • Alignment services to semi-trucks, cars, motor homes, pick-up trucks, cranes, buses, and trailers
  • Boat trailer and utility trailer axle alignment and repairs
  • Travel trailer axle alignment
  • Suspension repairs
  • Spring repairs
  • Modification and custom leads
  • Custom industrial flat springs manufactured
  • Brakes repairs on cars, trucks, and trailers
  • Driveline repairs rebuild and reseal TRW
  • Presswork

Why Choose Tulsa Auto Spring?

  • Over 95 years of gaining valuable experience
  • The auto repair shop can service semi-trucks suspensions of all kinds
  • Provides alignment work to all sizes of cars, trucks, cranes, and oilfield equipment
  • Manufactures flat industrial and oilfield specialty springs

Leon Pierce Body Repair

Location :521 N Porter Ave Norman, OK 73071

Website :


  • Paintless dent repair
  • Hail damage repair
  • Auto body repairs
  • Complimentary shuttle services
  • Car hire arrangements
  • Towing services

Why Choose Leon Pierce Body Repair?

  • Welcomes all insurance claims
  • Provides expert consultation to the public and free estimates
  • Offers free pick-up and delivery services for vehicles needing repairs
  • Conducts a full-service collision repair by qualified mechanics
  • Uses PPG’s enviro-friendly paint

Advantage Auto Repair

Location :213 E Kenosha St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012

Website :


  • Suspension repairs
  • Brake pads repair and replacement
  • Brake lines repair and replacements
  • Steering components repair and replacements
  • Rotors, struts, and shocks repair and replacements
  • Wheel bearing, stabilizer bars, and drums repair and replacements

Why Choose Advantage Auto Repair?

  • ASE certified technicians who have the experience to handle all brake issues
  • Handles both domestic and foreign vehicles of all makes and models
  • 24-hour emergency towing services
  • Employs the latest technology for all auto diagnostics and air conditioning services
  • Offers quality services at competitive prices
  • Free Wi-Fi services for customers waiting for their vehicle to be serviced

Top Auto Repair Shop In Oregon

Courtesy Auto Body

Location :Portland, OR

Website :


  • Computerized paint matching
  • Complete auto body and motorcycle repairing
  • Dent repair
  • Windshield replacement
  • Towing services

Why Choose Courtesy Auto Body?

  • Free pickup and delivery of any vehicle needing repair/services
  • Rental car assistance while we work on your car
  • Towing assistance in case of a stall
  • Computerized estimating of costs
  • Assistance with all instance questions
  • National lifetime warranty that is an industry best for all works done on your vehicle as long as you own it
  • Our highly skilled and certified technicians use specialized equipment and expert knowledge to correctly diagnose and carry our repairs

BMS Automotive

Location :4803 Portland Rd NE Salem, OR 97305

Website :


  • Brake repair service
  • Custom exhaust and muffler
  • Tires and wheel alignment service
  • Radiator service
  • Tune-up
  • Timing belts replacement
  • Clutch Repair/replacement
  • Lube, oil, and filter change
  • Electronic diagnostics
  • Transmission system repair
  • Air Conditioning System Services

Why Choose BMS Automotive?

  • Technicians take personal safety seriously hence perform all important safety checks to give you peace of mind while on the road
  • High-quality replacement parts and highly qualified staff ensure the highest quality of service and fast turnaround time
  • Latest car diagnostic equipment operated by experienced mechanics

Schweitzer’s Automotive Center

Location :1120 Arthur St. Eugene, OR 97402

Website :


  • Pre-purchase inspections
  • Air conditioning service and repairs
  • Customizing and fabricating street rods
  • Lube, oil, and filter changes
  • Drivability diagnosis and repair
  • Tire services
  • Computerized four-wheel alignment
  • Precision “no-touch” tire mounting and balancing
  • Full brake system repair/maintenance
  • Wiper blades repair
  • Fuel system cleaning and repair services

Why Choose Schweitzer’s Automotive Center?

  • AAA approved and ASE certified Automotive center
  • Sophisticated and latest diagnostic and repair tools available here
  • ASE Master Certified Technicians skilled and certified to carry out specialized repair and maintenance services
  • Huge experience combined with state of the art tools makes our job easier and more cost-effective
  • Courtesy Car Service as we work on your car
  • 24 months/24,000 miles’ warranty on most parts and repairs

MTA Automotive

Location :2425 NW Birdsdale Avenue #A Gresham, Oregon 97030

Website :


  • Air Filter Replacement and oil changes
  • Manual and automatic transmission repair
  • Brake Service and repair
  • Check engine light diagnosis
  • Clutch repair and replacement
  • Alternator repair
  • Emissions systems repair and testing
  • Engine repair and replacement
  • Four-wheel drive repair
  • Driveline repair
  • Fleet management service
  • Heating systems repair
  • Off-road vehicle repairs
  • Pre-purchase vehicle inspection
  • Pre-trip inspection
  • Scheduled manufacturer-recommended inspection
  • Power doors and windows service
  • Performance modification
  • Tune-ups
  • Undercar services

Why Choose MTA Automotive?

  • Free local towing when doing repairs
  • 5 years/50,000 miles limited warranty on parts and labor
  • 24-hour key drop service
  • Free WIFI, coffee, and refreshments
  • Courtesy shuttle service
  • Experienced in both domestic and foreign vehicles

Top Auto Repair Shop In Pennsylvania

Reds &Son Foreign Car Repair

Location :338 N, Philadelphia PA 19107

Website :


  • State inspections
  • Emission testing
  • Tires and wheels services
  • Fleet/ commercial maintenance services
  • Engine diagnostics
  • Engine and transmission repair
  • Transmission rebuilds
  • Hybrid and diesel engines rebuild and repair
  • Brake and rotors repair and replacements
  • Engine Performance, Fuel and Exhaust System Repair
  • Steering and suspension system repair and replacement
  • Electrical system repair
  • Auto glass repair and replacement
  • Towing services

Why Choose Reds &Son Foreign Car Repair?

  • More than 83 years of experience on foreign vehicles. We have been in operation since 1929
  • Highly trained and experienced technicians who have access to the latest diagnostics tools and facilities to properly troubleshoot all auto problems
  • A highly reputable foreign auto repair shop in the region of Philadelphia
  • AAA approved auto repair center

Wolbert Auto Body and Repair

Location :47 E Crafton Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15205, USA

Website :


  • Automotive Glass Replacement
  • Detailing
  • Sunroof repairs
  • Fuel, Emission &Exhaust Systems
  • Inspection &Diagnostic Services
  • Brake Service
  • Cooling Systems
  • Transmission &Drive Train Services
  • Cooling Systems
  • Scheduled Maintenance &Tune-Ups
  • Oil Changes
  • Paintless Dent Repair
  • Air Conditioning &Heating

Why Choose Wolbert Auto Body and Repair?

  • Free estimates on all services by excellent \customer service personnel
  • Insurance company assistance
  • Lifetime warranty on qualifying parts
  • 24-hour Towing services available
  • Local shuttle services

MDFA Auto Service, LLC

Location :119 W Liberty Street, Allentown, PA 18102

Website :


  • Brakes repair and maintenance
  • Axle, ball joints repair
  • Tie rods repair
  • Oil changes
  • Shocks, struts, springs repair
  • Exhaust repair
  • Timing belts
  • Tune-ups
  • Tire balancing
  • Auto electrical repair
  • Auto body repairs
  • Paint matching

Why Choose MDFA Auto Service, LLC?

  • Highly experienced in most models of vehicles, including foreign ones
  • P.A. emissions and safety inspection certified auto center
  • Advanced diagnostic tools available for quickly and effectively assess all problems

Top Auto Repair Shop In Rhode Island

OnSite Fleet Repairs

Location :100 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI, USA

Website :


  • Filter replacement
  • Drive belt replacement
  • Check engine light service
  • Engine flush service
  • Inspection service
  • Differential, brake, power steering, and transmission fluid change
  • Battery installation and electric repairs
  • Timing belt replacement
  • Brake repair service
  • AC and heating system
  • Axel repairs
  • Four-wheel drive systems
  • Truck and Trailer repairs
  • Alternators and shocks repairs
  • Power steering
  • Welding and fabrication

Why Choose OnSite Fleet Repairs?

  • The auto repair shop is conveniently located at the heart of the city with trustworthy and reliable services
  • 24-hour emergency road services
  • Fast turnaround and convenient scheduling
  • Competitive prices

Rob’s Transmission &Automotive Repair

Location :11 Roseland Ave, Warwick, RI 02888

Website :


  • Automotive repair
  • Transmission rebuilding
  • Rhode Island State Inspection Station
  • Restorations
  • Tire and wheels services

Why Choose Rob’s Transmission &Automotive Repair?

  • Offers free local tow with major repairs and 24-hour emergency roadside assistance
  • Payment and finance options available and accept all aftermarket warranties
  • Senior citizen’s discounts available
  • All repairs are warranted
  • Specializes in rebuilding automatic and manual transmission of all makes and models of domestic and imported vehicles

D &M TYRE Automotive Service Center

Location :50 Libera Street Cranston, RI 02920

Website :


  • Climate control system repair
  • Brake repair
  • Wheel alignments
  • Transmission repairs
  • Tire and wheel services
  • Steering and suspension systems
  • Starting, charging, and batteries
  • Hose and belts services
  • scheduled maintenance
  • State inspections
  • Four-wheel drive system
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Nitrogen inflation
  • Differential repair
  • Engine diagnostic performance
  • Auto body, collision repair, and paintwork
  • Electronic systems
  • Axle, CV joint, Driveshaft repair
  • Diesel engine repair

Why Choose D &M TYRE Automotive Service Center

  • It is the largest family-owned and operated automotive service center in Rhode Island
  • Highly qualified mechanics who service numerous models and makes of vehicles

North Providence Tire &Auto Center

Location :1968 Mineral Spring Ave, North Providence, RI 02904

Website :


  • Auto repairs
  • Tire services
  • Computer diagnostics
  • Air conditioning
  • Brake repairs
  • State inspections
  • Suspension services

Why Choose North Providence Tire &Auto Center?

  • Quality service at affordable prices
  • Qualified technicians who are skilled and knowledgeable in their trade

Top Auto Repair Shop In South Carolina

Cottman Transmission &Total Auto Care

Location :6226 Bush River Road, Suite A Columbia, SC 29212

Website :


  • Driveline repair and service
  • Clutch repair and service
  • Transmission system repair and service
  • Check engine light service
  • Belt and hoses repair
  • Power steering and suspension repair
  • Clutch repair services
  • 4*4 transmission repair

Why Choose Cottman Transmission &Total Auto Care

  • One of the very best garages for transmission repair in Columbia.
  • Quality repairs at a reasonable price and timely service ensuring customer satisfaction
  • 100% guarantee on all repair work
  • Correct diagnosing aided by our state of the art equipment and highly qualified technicians
  • All technicians are trained through the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association and the Automatic Transmission Service Group

Ottohaus of Charleston

Location :844 SAVANNAH HWY, CHARLESTON, SC 29407

Website :


  • Engine vibrations check
  • Systems diagnostics check
  • Sunroof repair
  • Transmission repair services
  • Interior component maintenance
  • Convertible top repair
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Turbo system repair
  • Cooling system repair
  • Major engine repair and replacement
  • Driveshaft and axel rebuild
  • Air suspension system repair
  • Air conditioning system
  • Driveline noises check and repair

Why Choose Ottohaus of Charleston?

  • Specializing in German cars, Audi, BMW, Volkswagen, and Mercedes, ensure high-quality services
  • Original replacement parts
  • Specialist’s attention to detail, precision, and German efficiency ensuring the best service
  • The Ottohaus guarantee gives all customers the peace of mind that in case anything goes wrong, they will fix it

Certified Auto &Transmissions

Location :1326 Flint Street, Ext. Rock Hill, SC 29730

Website :


  • Brake system fluid service
  • Automatic transmission fluid service
  • Batteries maintenance service
  • Cabin air filter maintenance service
  • Cooling system maintenance
  • Air filtration maintenance
  • Light bulb service and replacement
  • Fuel system cleaning service
  • Serpentine belt replacement service

Why Choose Certified Auto &Transmissions?

  • Quality repair at affordable prices
  • Technician and mechanics are highly trained and experienced and offer diagnostic warranty work
  • Personal guarantee from Winfred, a certified Auto and transmission mechanic and European Automobile transmission specialist

Advanced Tire &Auto Service

Location :3111 Augusta St Greenville, SC 29605

Website :


  • Wheel alignment and tire sales
  • Transmission repair services
  • Basic maintenance services
  • Brake repair
  • Engine maintenance and repair
  • Computer diagnostics
  • Cooling system maintenance
  • Belts and hoses repair
  • Batteries and electrical system maintenance
  • CV and drive axles repair
  • Suspension shocks and struts maintenance and repair

Why Choose Advanced Tire &Auto Service?

  • Dedication to excellence coupled with great customer service
  • Full range of auto service to help save on time as all service will be on one-stop
  • A rebate program and special offers to manage and bring down costs
  • Shuttle service while you have scheduled a car appointment
  • Free lifetime tire rotation and flat repair for customers who purchase 4 tires.

Top Auto Repair Shop In South Dakota

Willie’s Auto Electric &Repair Inc.

Location :901 S Cliff Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Website :


  • Engine repair
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Diagnostic and electronics
  • Lights and wipers service
  • Oil, filters, and fluids service
  • Brakes, tires, and alignment repairs
  • Belt, hose, and exhaust repairs

Why Choose Willie’s Auto Electric &Repair Inc.?

  • Provides a complete range engine repair services
  • Has been providing friendly and expert automotive repairs since 1982
  • Technicians are ASE certified and experienced
  • Better Business Bureau and NAPA accredited auto repair center

AL’S D &I Repair

Location :3483 Sturgis Road Rapid City, SD 57702

Website :


  • Alternator repair and replacement
  • Electrical systems repair
  • Fuel system repair
  • Airbag system check
  • Four Wheel Drive system repair
  • Air conditioning check and maintenance
  • Drivetrain repair
  • Brake system examination, repairs, and replacements
  • Fluid services
  • Timing belt replacement

Why Choose AL’S D &I Repair?

  • The auto repair shop makes the repair process quick and easy
  • Specialized in the maintenance of luxury cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs
  • Services both domestic and imported vehicles with over 30 years’ experience in handling imported vehicles
  • Technicians are ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) Certified

Reuer’s Auto Service

Location :403 N Main St. Aberdeen, SD 57401

Website :


  • Wheel alignment and balancing
  • Complete vehicle repair
  • Computer diagnostic
  • Electrical systems inspection and repair
  • Engine repair and overhaul
  • Brakes maintenance
  • ATV and Small engine repair
  • Air conditioning
  • Exhaust pipe bending
  • Transmission repair/replacement
  • Steering system repair
  • Towing services

Why Choose Reuer’s Auto Service?

  • One-stop repair maintenance place or both domestic and imported models
  • Services a wide range of vehicles including cars, trucks, vans, and motor homes
  • Provides high-quality repair and maintenance services at reasonable prices
  • Customized services for classic and other cars

Automotive Service Center

Location :614 Main Ave S Brookings, SD 57006

Website :


  • Engine replacement
  • Transmission replacement
  • Oil, lube, and filter change
  • Shocks and struts repairs
  • Four-wheel drive service
  • Gasket replacement
  • Fuel injection service
  • Tire rotation
  • Air conditioning service
  • Brakes service and systems
  • Computerized engine analysis
  • Belts and hose inspection
  • Timing belt replacement
  • Antifreeze and power steering flushes
  • Cooling system maintenance

Why Choose Automotive Service Center?

  • Offers fair prices, additional discounts, and special offers
  • It is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and ASE certified
  • Customers receive important information on how to handle their car after repairs and servicing

Top Auto Repair Shop In Tennessee

Midas Auto Service Inc.

Location :1.6008 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN 37209

2. 6015 TN-100 Nashville, TN 37205

Website :


  • Offers a comprehensive fleet maintenance management service
  • Muffler and exhaust services
  • Sells brakes and offers brakes repair services
  • Oil change
  • Tires sales and installation services
  • Batteries, starting and charging services
  • Steering, suspension, and alignment services
  • Diagnose and repair any vehicle issues
  • Offers factory recommended maintenance
  • Auto repair and auto maintenance services

Why Choose Midas Auto Service Inc.?

  • The people here are mindful of climate change, and they offer pollution reduction repairs
  • Special prices and discounts to save you money
  • Comfortable waiting room with Wi-Fi
  • Guarantees customers who purchase brakes and brake pads from the auto repair shop that they will not pay for replacements again
  • Offers a fleet management system that is unique and saves money and time

BMi Memphis

Location :4844 Elmore Road Memphis, TN 38128

Website :


  • Oil change
  • Radiator services
  • Power steering
  • Tire pressure
  • Engine repair
  • Timing belt services
  • Check engine light diagnostics
  • Transmission services
  • Aftermarket services
  • Light replacement
  • Belts and hoses repairs
  • Clutch repair
  • Brake systems services
  • Computer diagnostics
  • Axle replacement
  • Wheel alignment
  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Air conditioning
  • Suspension work
  • Fuel injection
  • Electrical diagnostic
  • Cooling system repair
  • Air filter replacement
  • Fuel and air induction clean up
  • Pre-owned vehicle sales and services

Why Choose BMi Memphis?

  • It is in a convenient location with a 9,000 square foot facility
  • Customers can wait in comfortable lounges which are equipped with cable TV, WIFI, free drinks and snacks
  • Free of charge citywide shuttle service to customers while the vehicle is worked on
  • Handles major and minor auto repairs on foreign and domestic vehicles
  • Specialized in the following luxury brands BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Lexus/Toyota, Acura/Honda, Volvo, Land Rover, and Jaguar

Lee’s Specialtee LLC

Location :322 Tillery Drive Knoxville, TN 37912

Website :


  • Oil changes
  • Used car inspections
  • Brakes repairs
  • Alignment and suspension services
  • Regularly scheduled maintenances
  • Transmissions services engine repairs and replacements
  • Air condition
  • Clutch and axel services
  • Major and minor repairs

Why Choose Lee’s Specialtee LLC?

  • Specialized in Honda and Acura Services
  • Better Business Bureau accredited auto repair shop with ASE certified technicians
  • Convenient maintenance hours; it allows early bird and night-owl drop off
  • Offers full spectrum services at its auto garage, which includes major and minor maintenance

Trantham’s Service Center &Wrecker Service

Location :6733 A Ringgold Road, Chattanooga, TN 37412



  • Towing services
  • Oil change
  • Brake services
  • Computer diagnostics
  • Auto parts replacement
  • Suspension repairs
  • Transmission services
  • Ignition repairs
  • Tune-ups
  • Tire repair and sales
  • Major and minor engine and transmission repairs
  • Computer programming for GM, Ford, and Mazda
  • Wrecker services

Why Choose Trantham’s Service Center &Wrecker Service?

  • Accepts most Credit Cards
  • Family owned and operated auto repair shop striving to offer families a suitable place to take their vehicle for repairs
  • The waiting area with snacks and Wi-Fi
  • Employees have combined the experience of more than 150 years and are ASE certified
  • Gives back to the community by sponsoring local sports teams and events

Top Auto Repair Shop In Texas

European Cars Limited Inc.

Location :4601 Faegan Houston, TX 77008

Website :


  • Suspension services
  • Brake repairs
  • Glass repair on most models
  • Headlights restoration
  • Pre-buyer inspections
  • Transmission services
  • Interior and exterior electric systems diagnosis and repair
  • Diagnosis and repair of airbag systems
  • Full scheduled maintenance based on manufacturer recommendation
  • Engine diagnosis and repair
  • Sunroof repair/replacement

Why Choose European Cars Limited Inc.?

  • Specializes in European brands, including major repairs on BMW, Porsche, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Mini, and Audi
  • Offers dealer level diagnostics by master-level mechanics

Eurasian Auto Repair

Location :15327 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, TX 78232

Website :


  • Driveshaft and axle repairs
  • Cooling system repairs
  • Check engine light
  • Diagnostic trouble codes
  • Complete vehicle inspections
  • Timing belts replacement
  • Alignment and suspension repairs
  • Clutch replacement
  • Fuel systems repairs
  • Engine cooling exhaust
  • Headlamp restorations
  • Air conditioning and heater repairs
  • Pre-purchase inspections
  • Engine oil and filter changes
  • Wiper and washer systems repair
  • Engine leaks repair
  • Sensor and switches repairs
  • Engine installation and rebuilding
  • Tires sales and services
  • Collision repair services

Why Choose Eurasian Auto Repair?

  • Offers auto repair and maintenance services on all make and model vehicles
  • If you are looking for commercial fleet vehicle repair and maintenance services, you’ll get a good deal here
  • Offers different auto repair coupons and discounts every month
  • State of the art computer diagnostic and repairs by certified and experienced mechanics

Twin Lakes Auto Salvage

Location :9915 S Central Expy, Dallas, TX 75241

Website :


  • Wrecking services
  • Auto part services
  • Recycling services
  • Salvage services
  • Used and rebuilt part sales
  • Cash for cars and trucks
  • Auto body part sales
  • Aftermarket part sales

Why Choose Twin Lakes Auto Salvage?

  • Auto parts experts who are ready to deliver the best services and products
  • Affordable parts and in case the part is not available; the company locates the part on behalf of the client

Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care

Location :6534 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78745


  • Brake repair
  • Auto repair
  • Transmission repair and rebuilding
  • Brakes, disks, rotors, and pads maintenance
  • Tune-up services
  • Car alignment services
  • Oil services
  • Engine repair
  • Check engine light
  • Catalytic converters
  • Steering repairs
  • Tire repairs
  • Wiper blades services
  • Belts and hoses services
  • Shocks and clutches repairs
  • Car battery services

Why Choose Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care?

  • Extended warranties of qualifying parts and labor
  • Conveniently located in an easily accessible location
  • Reputation for customer satisfaction and honest service

Top Auto Repair Shop In Utah

Ozzie’s Auto Care Center

Location:3445 S West Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84115



  • Tires sales and services
  • Exhaust systems services
  • Brake services
  • Cooling systems maintenance and checks
  • Collision repairs
  • Auto detailing
  • Emissions testing
  • Tune-ups and diagnostics

Why Choose Ozzie’s Auto Care Center?

  • Specialized in custom exhaust systems
  • Offers quality and affordable services on most makes and models of vehicles
  • Financing available for repairs

Alpine Body Shop

Location :3270 South 1100 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119

Website :


  • Factory paint services
  • Frame repairs that meet factory specifications
  • Body repair which includes repairing or completely removing damaged parts
  • Mechanical damage services

Why Choose Alpine Body Shop

  • It has state of the art computer diagnostic systems operated by skilled and experienced mechanics
  • BMW authorized repair facility and the leading provider of high-end Collision repair in Salt Lake Valley
  • Lifetime warranty on paintwork
  • Computerized paint library that creates an exact color match for vehicles

Be Auto Smart

Location:7709 S Redwood Road West Jordan, UT 84084



  • Tune-ups services
  • Electrical systems
  • Oil, lube, and filters repairs
  • Radiator services
  • Transmission services
  • Wheel alignment
  • Exhaust systems
  • Tire inspections
  • Air conditioning
  • Engine service and repair
  • Air conditioning
  • Suspension
  • Smog and emissions checks
  • Brakes repairs
  • Computer diagnostics

Why Choose Be Auto Smart?

  • Provides upfront estimates and explains the reasoning behind the prices
  • Has a full repair shop that has the right expertise and technology to accurately diagnose and repair your vehicle
  • Certified by ASE, ASA, and NAPA

Cleggs Car Care

Location :20 Geneva Rd, Orem, UT 84058

Website :


  • Emission tests and safety inspections
  • Full-service oil change
  • Air conditioning repairs
  • Brake service and repairs
  • Engine and transmission replacement
  • Drivability diagnostic
  • Clutch services
  • Wheel alignment
  • Windshield services
  • Electrical diagnosis and repair
  • Suspension and steering services
  • Tire sales and services
  • Cooling system services
  • Engine service and repairs
  • Pre-purchase evaluations
  • Windshield services
  • Power window repair
  • Door lock repairs
  • Fuel injection repairs
  • Tune-up services
  • Anti-lock brake system service and repair

Why Choose Cleggs Car Care?

  • A family business that has operated for more than 50 years, supporting the local economy through the provision of employment
  • Qualified technicians who are ASE certified
  • Equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and equipment

Top Auto Repair Shop In Vermont

Handy’s Service Center

Location :75 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington VT 05401

Website :


  • Brake service
  • Muffler and exhaust repair and maintenance service
  • Starter, ignition repair, and replacement
  • Alternator troubleshooting and repair
  • Air conditioner and heating repair and maintenance
  • Check engine light analysis and calibration
  • Front end and Suspension check and repair
  • Tire replacement and repair
  • Mounting and balancing

Why Choose 41 Handy’s Service Center?

  • 24-hour roadside assistance including tire repair and patch
  • Experienced and certified technicians
  • Immediate assistance wherever you may be, including roadside assistance and 24 hours towing and recovery service

John Leo &Sons, Inc.

Location :145 Jericho Rd, Essex Junction, VT 05452

Website :


  • Tire repair and sales
  • Fuel oil sales and change
  • Exhaust repair work and maintenance
  • Brake repair and maintenance
  • Tune-up service
  • Safety inspection
  • Belt and hoses repair and maintenance
  • Wheel balancing and tire installation

Why Choose John Leo &Sons, Inc.

  • Family-owned business with long experience since 1965
  • Wide variety of tires to choose from, including all top names in the industry
  • Competitively priced services

Big Joe’s Hook &Tow

Location :29 Old U.S. Rte. 4A Center Rutland, Vermont 05736

Website :


  • Vehicle extraction from mud, snow, or ice
  • Emergency gas delivery services
  • Vehicle jump start services
  • Emergency Roadside Assistance &Towing Service
  • Accident Scene Management
  • Vehicle lockout assistance services
  • Vehicle extraction services
  • Off-Road vehicle Recovery
  • Junk car removal from driveway or yard

Why Choose Big Joe’s Hook &Tow?

  • Services are reasonably priced
  • Reimbursement option for vehicle towing and recovery services from insurance companies and Auto clubs
  • Fair treatment and friendly service to all customers

Allan Jones &Sons Inc.

Location :150 Ayers Street Barre, VT 05641

Website :


  • Cooling system repair
  • Brake repair
  • Steering and suspension system repair
  • Belts and hoses maintenance and replacement
  • Differential system repair
  • Electrical and electronic systems check and maintenance
  • Climate control system maintenance
  • Engine diagnostic and performance check
  • Lube oil and filter change
  • Starting charging and batteries maintenance
  • Wheel alignment and tire services

Why Choose Allan Jones &Sons Inc.

  • Strong reputation of quality auto repair services in the region
  • Highly-trained mechanics who are dedicated to their work
  • Best value in tires and a wide variety from all top brands to choose from

Top Auto Repair Shop In Virginia

Integrity Car Care &Tires


Website :


  • Engine and transmission maintenance
  • Heating and cooling services
  • Electrical and electronic systems services
  • Brake services
  • Wheel alignment services
  • Undercar Services
  • Anti-lock brake installation
  • Shock absorbers maintenance
  • Driveline maintenance
  • Cylinder block and head repair
  • Engine replacement
  • Four-wheel drive transmission maintenance
  • Manual transmission maintenance
  • Preventative maintenance

Why Choose Integrity Car Care &Tires?

  • Redeemable coupon of $50 off any repair above $100
  • 10% discount to all members of the military, police, and firefighters
  • Special financing available
  • 36 months unlimited mileage warranty
  • Family owned and operated business providing quality parts and service
  • NAPA auto care peace of mind warranty that covers qualifying parts and labor

Car Life Inc.

Location :6420 E Virginia Beach Blvd Norfolk, Virginia 23502

Website :


  • Over-the-counter Rebuilt Transmissions
  • Rebuilt Torque Converters
  • Removal and installation of clutches
  • Electronic computer diagnostics
  • Transmission Mounts
  • Replacement of damaged or broken mounts
  • Motor Mounts
  • Seals, Bushings, and Washers
  • Removal of damaged automatic or manual transmission
  • Complete transmission rebuilding
  • Installation of our rebuilt transmission
  • Complete transmission services including filter
  • Complete transfer case rebuilding
  • Differential services and rebuilding
  • Replace or repair driveline components
  • Removal and installation of axles and driveshaft

Why Choose Car Life Inc.

  • Non franchised family-owned business with a well-equipped transmission shop
  • State of the art diagnostic equipment and an extensive library of
  • Highly experienced technicians and specialty tool to get the job done right
  • Posted prices on the wall for all services so that customers can know the price well in advance of any works

Great Bridge Mufflers &Brakes

Location :1224 Cedar Rd, Chesapeake, VA 23322

Website :


  • Computerized Engine Analysis
  • Air Conditioning Service
  • Batteries inspection
  • Cooling System Maintenance
  • CV &Drive Axle maintenance
  • Emissions Testing
  • Headlight Restoration
  • Belts and Hose Inspection
  • Brake Service &Systems
  • Exhaust system repair
  • Paintless Dent Removal
  • Transmission Maintenance
  • Wheel Alignment
  • Windshield Repair
  • Shocks and Struts
  • Fuel Injection Service
  • Oil, Lube, and Filter
  • Roadside Assistance
  • State Inspections
  • Tire Replacement
  • Tire Rotation
  • Wheel Balance
  • Towing

Why Choose Great Bridge Mufflers &Brakes?

  • High quality guaranteed service at a fair price
  • Use of latest highly sophisticated equipment for diagnosis and testing of any auto issue your vehicle may have
  • Technicians strive to maintain the manufacturer’s warranty in the course of any repair
  • All technicians are ASE qualified
  • Regular offers on different services

Broad Street Auto &Tire Inc.

Location :2120 LAKE AVE, RICHMOND, VA 23230

Website :


  • Air Conditioning Maintenance and repair
  • Wheel Alignments
  • Alternator check
  • Axles repair
  • Brakes repair and service
  • Check Engine Light Service
  • Clutches repair and maintenance
  • Computer Diagnostic
  • Cooling System/Radiators maintenance
  • Drivetrain check repair
  • Electrical systems check and repair
  • Exhaust/Mufflers
  • Fuel System check
  • Inspection/Diagnostics
  • Oil Change
  • Pre-Purchase Inspection
  • Speedometers check
  • Steering system maintenance
  • Suspension system repair
  • Timing Belts repair and replacement
  • Tires replacement
  • Tune-Up

Why Choose Broad Street Auto &Tire Inc.?

  • Periodic free brake inspection including checking brake pads, rotor, and brake fluid
  • High-quality repair service and a sense of obligation to the customer
  • They service vehicles in a timely manner and keep the customer informed of progress and any changes
  • Free WIFI, coffee, and popcorn in the waiting lobby

Kwik Lube Oil Change &Auto Care

Location :1. 6518 Greensboro Road Ridgeway, VA 24148

2. 700 Liberty Street Martinsville, VA 24112

Website :


  • Transfer case services
  • Full-service oil change
  • Tire rotation
  • Wheel alignment
  • Tune-ups
  • New and Used tire sales service
  • Air conditioning services
  • Computerized engine analysis
  • Front end services
  • Wheel alignment
  • Tire services
  • Towing services
  • CV and drive axle
  • Cooling system maintenance
  • Brake service and systems
  • Belts and hose inspection
  • Batteries services
  • Fuel injection service
  • State inspections
  • Transmission maintenance
  • Oil, lube, and filter exhaust services
  • Cooling system maintenance

Why Choose Kwik Lube Oil Change &Auto Care?

  • Latest diagnostic equipment to provide the right service that you can trust
  • ASE certified technicians who use only original replacement parts
  • Has an online auto garage where customers can access coupons and special prices, vehicle information, and automatic service reminders

Top Auto Repair Shop In Washington

Scanwest Autosport

Location :9520 Greenwood Ave N Seattle, WA 98103

Website :


  • Audi auto repair
  • BMW auto repair
  • Mini auto repair
  • Saab auto repair
  • Engine repair
  • Rental cars services
  • Service specials
  • Cars for sale services
  • Subaru repair
  • Transmission repair
  • Sale of auto parts

Why Choose Scanwest Autosport?

  • The team is highly experienced in handling all models of Saabs and Subaru vehicles
  • 1-year warranty on new parts and a 3-month warranty on used parts
  • All auto parts are available here, including hard to find ones
  • Competitive prices on all repair work

Dave’s Auto Repair

Location :17807 38th Ave E, Tacoma, WA 98446

Website :


  • Alternator repair
  • Brake repair
  • Complete engine repair
  • Engine replacement
  • Transmission services
  • Tune-up services
  • Air conditioning services
  • Emission repairs

Why Choose Dave’s Auto Repair?

  • It is a family-owned and operated auto repair business that has operated since 1985
  • Has qualified mechanics who have the right equipment to diagnose and repair vehicles
  • Offers domestic and foreign auto repair services

Five Mile Auto Center

Location :6606 N Ash St. Spokane, WA 99208

Website :


  • Air conditioning
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Suspension services
  • Brakes repair and replacements
  • Cooling system repairs and replacements
  • Electrical
  • Oil changes
  • Engine service
  • Fuel service
  • Fluid service
  • Fuel system service
  • Transmission repair and replacements

Why Choose Five Mile Auto Center?

  • Certified and expert technicians who have numerous years of experience
  • Uses the high-tech diagnostic equipment and employs the latest technology
  • AAA-approved auto repair center and an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau
  • Convenient 24-hour drop-off

Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care – Vancouver

Location :3315 NE 112th Ave. Suite B55 Vancouver, WA 98682

Website :


  • Check engine light
  • Clutch repair
  • Driveline repair and service
  • Transmission rebuilding and repair
  • Fleet services

Why Choose Cottman Transmission and Total Auto Care – Vancouver?

  • This garage upholds standards and never compromises just to make a car superficially drivable
  • Specializes in transmission repairs and ensures that it is repaired properly the first time to save time and money
  • Free and exclusive TransCheck 21 plus service to determine if the transmission needs to be repaired or rebuilt

Top Auto Repair Shop In West Virginia

Steve &Stacy’s Servicenter

Location:130 Virginia Street W, Charleston, WV 25302



  • Electronic services
  • Engine maintenance
  • General services
  • Heating and cooling services
  • Safety inspection and emission tests
  • Small engine repairs
  • Towing services
  • Tires services
  • Undercar services
  • Alignment
  • Brakes services
  • Car and truck care
  • 4×4 services

Why Choose Steve &Stacy’s Servicenter?

  • AAA members, senior citizens, and military personnel discounts
  • Uses the latest technology to analyze the problem and offer alternative solutions
  • Repairs all makes and models, including domestic and import vehicles
  • Offers quality services that clients can count on

Cornerstone Auto Service

Location :1457 7th Street Parkersburg, WV 26101

Website :


  • Diagnostic and repair for German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and American auto
  • Brake repair
  • Drivability problems
  • Tune-ups
  • Free auto safety inspection
  • Free brake check
  • Oil changes
  • SRS/airbag systems
  • Mechanical malfunctions
  • ABS anti-lock brake systems
  • OEM mufflers and exhaust systems
  • Electrical malfunctions
  • Steering and computer reset
  • Diagnostic and repair for Lexus, Land Rover, Volvo, Porsche, Mini Cooper, BMW, Audi
  • Repair shop for Toyota, Honda, and Acura

Why Choose Cornerstone Auto Service?

  • Can get aftermarket and genuine car parts at a cheaper rate than local dealers because they have direct access to car manufacturers
  • Have friendly service, honest and genuine technicians offering quality repairs at affordable prices
  • Have access to auto repair database that provides dealer-level information and enables the auto garage to perform the short cut test and confirm fixes
  • ASE master technicians using the latest technology to accurately diagnose and repair

South Park Service Center

Location:301 Pleasant Street Morgantown, WV 26501



  • State inspections
  • Aftermarket services
  • Battery services
  • Computer diagnostic
  • 4WD repair
  • Fuel pump repairs
  • Air conditioning
  • Full synthetic royal purple
  • Air filter replacement
  • Light replacement
  • Alternators and starters
  • Motor and transmissions
  • Power steering
  • Muffler repairs and check
  • Axle replacement
  • Fluid services
  • Tire services
  • Transmission services
  • Fleet service
  • Shocks and struts
  • Cooling and heating system service
  • Electrical service
  • Suspension work
  • TPMS service and repairs
  • Timing belts and chains
  • Exhaust and emissions
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Radiator service

Why Choose South Park Service Center?

  • Offers full mechanic and auto repair for vehicle maintenance and inspections
  • knowledgeable technicians who provide excellent services
  • Over 30 years of experience in maintenance and repairs of major makes and models both foreign and domestic

Top Auto Repair Shop In Wisconsin

Denny’s Auto Center

Location :420 W Milwaukee St Janesville Wisconsin 53548

Website :


  • Brake System Repair and Service
  • Manual Clutch Service &Repair
  • Transmission Rebuild, Repair &Service
  • Automatic Transmission Repair
  • Manual Transmission Repair
  • 4×4 Repair
  • Transfer Cases
  • Electrical Diagnosis
  • Standard Clutch Kit Replacement
  • Differential Service
  • Automatic Flywheel Replacement

Why Choose Denny’s Auto Center

  • Specialists in transmissions, both automatic and manual, will have all your service and repair issues addressed adequately. This includes 4*4, and all-wheel transmissions
  • One-stop-shop for transmission-related inquiries and repair, including performance transmissions for racing and off-road vehicles
  • Member of automatic transmissions rebuilders association. As a member of this not for profit organization, we endeavor to provide high-quality repairs and services that meet the associations’ by-laws

Miki’s Auto Inc.

Location :4385 N Green Bay Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209

Website :


  • Auto glass and installation
  • Complete theft repairs
  • Complete tune-ups
  • Exhaust replacement
  • Front end service
  • Check engine light
  • Engine and Transmission repair
  • Catalytic converters service
  • Cracked head block specialist
  • Rotors, shocks, starters, and mufflers repairs
  • Steering service
  • Timing belt replacements
  • Door, handles, and mirrors repairs

Why Choose Miki’s Auto Inc.?

  • Repairs carried out on foreign and domestic vehicles
  • Quality glass repairs and auto parts
  • Highly experienced staff

Exhaust Pros Muffler Shop

Location :3900 Monona Drive Madison, WI 53716

Website :


  • Exhaust repair
  • Auto repairs on all makes and models
  • Lube, oil, and filter changes
  • Foreign and domestic repairs
  • Muffler repairs
  • Custom pipe bending
  • Free inspections
  • Free estimates
  • Handles collectibles and classic cars

Why Choose Exhaust Pros Muffler Shop?

  • The go-to place for vehicle exhaust systems
  • 10% discount on exhaust repairs
  • Free inspections and estimates
  • Factory-trained technicians

De Pere Auto Center

Location :705 George St. De Pere, WI 54115, USA

Website :


  • Car dealership
  • Automotive repair center
  • Vehicle body auto garage
  • All types of auto repairs
  • All types of maintenance
  • Collision repair
  • Frame repair
  • Unibody repair
  • Dent and scratch repair
  • Custom refinishing
  • Paintless dent removal

Why Choose De Pere Auto Center?

  • BBB accredited auto repair shop
  • Limited warranty on cars and repairs
  • In operation since 1976, providing excellent auto repair services in De Pere

Carl’s Machine &Service

Location :1140 South Broadway, Green Bay, WI 54304

Website :


  • Brake service and repair
  • Drivability diagnostics
  • Auto tune-up service
  • Transmission service
  • Engine repair and service
  • Steering and suspension
  • Oil change
  • Air condition and heating repair

Why Choose Carl’s Machine &Service

  • Qualified and certified technicians ready to get you back safely on the road
  • Excellent customer service and attention to detail in all auto repair work
  • Quality automotive parts and repairs at reasonable prices

Top Auto Repair Shop In Wyoming

Graber’s Diesel Repair

Location :101 Ave C Cheyenne, WY 82007

Website :


  • Truck repairs
  • Automotive repairs
  • Roadside services and towing
  • Onan parts sales and services
  • Air conditioning repairs
  • RV repair

Why Choose Graber’s Diesel Repair?

  • ASE certified and NAPA auto service center
  • Authorized Cummings Onan dealer
  • Financing available for new installations
  • Roadside assistance via a well-equipped service truck

Doyle Johnson’s, Inc.

Location:651 W Collins Dr. Casper, Wyoming 82601



  • Engine repairs
  • Front end work
  • Full brake services
  • Tune-ups
  • Light replacements
  • Coolant services
  • Fluids replacement
  • Transmission services
  • Oil change and lube
  • Wiper blades replacement
  • Fuel injection services
  • Computer diagnostic
  • Hose and belts replacements
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Suspension and shock repairs
  • Car battery replacements

Why Choose Doyle Johnson’s, Inc.

  • Have qualified technicians who are equipped with specialized equipment and latest technology to offer quality services
  • NAPA auto center offering the NAPA peace of mind warranty honored across thousand service centers

Riegel Body Shop

Location: 1871 Washington St. Laramie, WY 82070

Website :


  • Collision repair
  • Auto body painting
  • Auto body frame straightening and repair
  • Bra’s installation
  • Paintless dent repair
  • Scratches removal

Why Choose Riegel Body Shop?

  • Lifetime warranty on repairs and paint job and manufacturer’s warranty on parts
  • Environmentally friendly water-based paint
  • Free loaner car services to customers without rental car coverage
  • Employees are highly skilled and experienced in what they do
  • Family owned and operated business in operation since 1976
  • Trusted by many insurance companies as a direct repair shop. You can expect a more streamlined estimation and repair process

Hillcrest Auto Body

Location :5266 Rourke Ave, Gillette, WY 82718

Website :


  • Collision repair
  • Auto body repair
  • Auto painting
  • Guaranteed color match
  • Alignments
  • Paintless dent repair
  • Deer strikes
  • Car-O-Linear 360 frame straightening
  • Insurance claims

Why Choose Hillcrest Auto Body?

  • I-CAR Platinum and ASE certified technicians have experienced all types of automotive paint process and procedures
  • Free estimate on collision repair work
  • Guaranteed color match
  • It is the only one that has 360-degree frame rack in the area it operates

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