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Лучшие жидкости для омывателя ветрового стекла для удаления грязи

Чистое лобовое стекло – неотъемлемая часть безопасного вождения. Наряду с высококачественными стеклоочистителями вы должны убедиться, что используете подходящую жидкость для омывания ветрового стекла, чтобы поддерживать чистоту переднего ветрового стекла между мойками автомобилей. Вы, наверное, думаете, что большинство жидкостей для омывания ветрового стекла одинаковы, но это вряд ли так. Некоторые формулы настолько неэффективны, что напоминают воду. Надлежащие жидкости для омывания ветрового стекла разрушат грязь, пыль, мусор и даже насекомых на вашем ветровом стекле для надлежащей очистки. По этой причине вам также следует избегать повторного наполнения резервуара водой, когда она заканчивается, если у вас нет абсолютно другого выбора. Думайте о стеклоочистителе как о жидком моющем средстве для ветрового стекла.

Есть несколько вещей, которые следует учитывать при покупке лучшей жидкости для омывания ветрового стекла. Во-первых, вы хотите выбрать продукт, который подходит для вашего климата. Если вы испытываете холодные зимы, наполненные льдом и снегом, вам понадобится омывающая жидкость, которая не замерзнет, ​​или даже антиобледенитель. Если вам нравится ясная и солнечная погода в течение всего года или вы никогда не беспокоитесь о снеге или льду, подойдет обычная всесезонная жидкость для омывателя.

Во-вторых, обратите особое внимание на то, покупаете ли вы предварительно смешанный раствор или концентрат, который необходимо смешивать с водой. Есть даже таблетки, которые можно просто бросить в воду, чтобы создать раствор. Вот лучшие жидкости для стеклоочистителей, которые мы нашли. Мы выбрали те, которые являются бестселлерами или имеют высокие оценки пользователей.

1. Выбор редактора:Prestone All Season 3-в-1 жидкость для омывателя ветрового стекла

Жидкость для омывания ветрового стекла Prestone 3-в-1 широко доступна и эффективна в самых разных условиях — вот почему она выбрана нашим редактором. Фото предоставлено

Prestone предлагает широкий выбор высококачественных жидкостей для омывания ветрового стекла, и мы рассмотрим три продукта компании. Первый — это всесезонное решение 3-в-1, специально разработанное для того, чтобы ваше ветровое стекло оставалось чистым и прозрачным в течение всего года. Он защищен от замерзания при температурах до -27°F (-32°C) и является антиобледенителем, помогающим быстро растопить лед. Решение включает в себя моющее средство от насекомых, которое проникает даже в самые твердые остатки, разрушая и удаляя насекомых с вашего ветрового стекла. Водоотталкивающая усовершенствованная технология бисероплетения поможет вам убедиться, что на вашем стекле нет разводов и бликов.

Это решение идеально подходит для большинства погодных условий, особенно если вы живете в районе со снегом или льдом. Это предварительно смешанная жидкость, поэтому вам не нужно ничего делать, кроме как заполнить ею резервуар. Однако это немного дороже для одного галлона раствора по сравнению с концентрированными растворами, которые вы должны смешивать самостоятельно.

  • Плюсы /Предварительно смешанный раствор, работающий при любых погодных условиях, антиобледенитель, моющее средство от насекомых, отталкивает воду
  • Минусы /Немного дороже по сравнению с объемом концентрированных растворов
  • 2. Best Concentrate:Nextzett Kristall Klar Washer Fluid

    Concentrated products are usually more cost effective than ready-to-use options. Photo

    One of the highest-rated and most popular windshield washer fluids on Amazon is the Kristall Klar washer fluid from Nextzett. It’s a 1:200 concentration, so each bottle makes over 12 gallons of washer fluid when mixed with water. The product is reasonably priced and promises to deliver glare and smear-free cleaning. Its formula quickly removes bugs and dirt from your windshield when used, while lubricants help reduce water skipping and shuddering. To top it all off, the Kristall Klar washer fluid features water softeners that prevent hard water mineral buildup, which could cause jets to clog.

    It’s also ammonia-free, so it won’t harm chrome, paintwork, rubber, or plastic. Nextzett says it leaves a fresh citrus scent and does not contain toxic methanol.

    This product, however, isn’t recommended for areas with freezing climates. Nextzett does offer an Anti-Frost Concentrate for winter and year-round protection in colder environments.

  • Pros /Ammonia-free, does not contain toxic methanol, reasonably priced, water softeners
  • Cons /It's a concentrate, so you'll have to mix it, doesn't work in cold weather
  • 3. Best for Winter:Prestone De-Icer Windshield Washer Fluid

    While Prestone’s all-season washer fluid is capable of winter protection, you may live in an area that has real harsh winter conditions. That’s where the company’s De-Icer windshield washer fluid comes in, designed specifically for winter use. It freezes at the same -27°F (-32°C) temperature as the 3-in-1 solution, but it is engineered to quickly remove ice and frost from your windshield.

    The solution has high methanol content, along with ethylene glycol to prevent dangerous re-freeze. Like other Prestone windshield washer fluids, the De-Icer leaves a durable, hydrophobic shield on the glass, helping prevent road spray from sticking.

  • Pros /Affordable, great for harsh winter conditions
  • Cons /High methanol content, designed only for winter use
  • 4. Dokiko Windshield Washer Fluid Tablets

    Concentrated washer fluid tablets are very cheap, but don’t protect from freezing.

    While purchasing actual windshield washer fluid is convenient—you just pour it into your reservoir—there is the more cost-effective option of using tablets. With these, you simply drop them into your reservoir filled with water, producing windshield washer fluid. Each tablet can be mixed with four liters of water, so this option gives you a total of 120 liters of windshield washer fluid.

    This recommendation is effective at removing splatter, tree sap, and normal road grime from your windshield. It is however, a summer formulation so it should not be used in cold weather conditions. If you live in an area that experiences freezing temperatures and snow, you’ll want to check out our recommendations for winter windshield washer fluid. Another benefit to these tablets is that you can drop one of these into a spray bottle filled with water, using it as a basic glass cleaning solution on your car windows and mirrors.

    There are a number of very similar concentrated tablets available. Our experience suggests they are probably identical, and likely made in the same factory, so choosing one comes down to price and satisfaction with the seller. We chose the Dokiko brand because it has over 400 reviews and a very good 88% positive rating, and the reviews are high quality with no evidence of deceptive practices.

  • Pros /Cost-effective, simply mix with water, effective at removing splatter, tree sap, and road grime
  • Cons /Should only be used during the summer, not effective in cold weather conditions
  • 5. Prestone Bug Wash Windshield Washer Fluid

    If bugs are a bigger concern than snow and ice, you may want to take a closer look at the Prestone Bug Wash windshield washer fluid. This advanced washer fluid is designed to remove bug residue, road grime, bird droppings, and tree sap from windshields. The cleaning solution claims to penetrate the toughest residues, breaking down and removing up to 99.99 percent of all bugs. It also leaves a barrier to help stop bugs, grime, and other residues from sticking onto your windshield. And like Prestone’s all-season solution, its Bug Wash fluid has water repellent advanced beading, to help repel water.

    If smell matters to you, this solution leaves behind a fresh citrus scent.

  • Pros /Designed to remove bug residue, leaves a barrier to protect windshield, repels water
  • Cons /Doesn't work in cold weather conditions, expensive compared to concentrated solutions
  • 6. Aqua Charge Windshield Washer Ultra Concentrate

    A popular concentrate on Amazon comes from Aqua Charge. One quart of the solution makes 55 gallons of finished washer fluid, making it one of the most cost-effective options available. It wipes to a streak-free shine thanks to proprietary ingredients that remove bug residue, road filth, bird droppings, and tree sap. The solution is methanol-free, but if you want it to work in the cold, you’ll have to add methanol for a freezing point of -20°F (-29°C). The normal freezing point of Aqua Charge’s fluid is 32°F (0°C).

    Just keep in mind this is a concentrated solution, so it’s not ready to be used straight out of the bottle. If you don’t mind having to take the time to properly mix the solution and you aren’t looking for anything fancy with your windshield washer fluid, Aqua Charge is great on your wallet.

  • Pros /Affordable, efficient, one bottle could last you years
  • Cons /Must be properly diluted or it could leave blue stains on your paint, must be mixed with methanol for cold weather
  • 7. Rain-X All Season 2-in-1 Windshield Washer Fluid

    Rain-X is a well-known brand for its water repellent and the company offers its own windshield washer fluid. The 2-in-1 all season formula works against light snow and ice, effective to -25°F (-31°C), while powering off bugs, road grime, and salt. Along with melting precipitation, this windshield washer fluid also applies Rain-X technology to the windshield, giving it a hydrophobic protectant to help bead water. It is formulated with de-ionized water for improved visibility and streak-free cleaning.

    The Rain-X solution is a pre-mixed solution, so you’ll simply have to pour it into your reservoir. It’s a bit on the more expensive side when you compare it to concentrated solutions that you mix yourself, but it’s comparable to other one-gallon solutions.

    This product is ideal for car owners who live in an area that experiences rain and snow. Since it applies Rain-X technology to the windshield, it offers protection against the rain as well. Like Prestone, Rain-X has a full lineup of washer fluids, including an all-season option, de-icer, and bug remover.

  • Pros /Works against snow and ice, adds Rain-X hydrophobic coating
  • Cons /More expensive than concentrated solutions
  • 8. GUNK Concentrated Windshield Washer Solvent

    This windshield washer concentrate from GUNK is an ammonia formula designed to help clean off smears and bugs. It’s a bit pricey for the amount you get, but it’s lighter on your wallet if you don’t heavily use your windshield washer fluid since you only have to buy what you need, rather than having the rest of a bottle sit on the shelf for a while. Each six-ounce bottle makes 1.5 gallons of fluid.

    This formula works down to 18°F (-8°C), so keep that in mind if you live in an area with snow and ice. It’s a no frills concentrate that doesn’t offer anything fancy, but does its job well.

  • Pros /Small bottle, cost-effective, designed to clean off smears and bugs
  • Cons /Not recommended for cold weather, doesn't add anything fancy
  • 9. McKee's 37 Anti-Frost Windshield Washer Fluid

    McKee’s 37 is a lineup of high-end popular car care products, and one of the most expensive washer fluids on the market wears its name. A gallon of the company’s Anti-Frost windshield washer fluid is three to four times more expensive than its competitors, but buyers swear by the product in extreme winter conditions. Now, keep in mind it’s a hyper concentrated solution that you add to your existing fluid, so you’ll get more use out of a gallon than a conventional washer fluid. Not only does the formula remove dirt and road film without leaving streaks or smears, it helps increase safety by keeping your windshield clear during inclement weather.

    This product is ideal for those who live in an area that sees heavy snowfall. A special additive in the formula coats the windshield to prevent it from re-icing, helping ensure your windshield isn’t iced over every morning. McKee’s 37 says this fluid will not harm paint or surrounding trim.

  • Pros /Highly effective against heavy snow and ice, simply add to existing fluid
  • Cons /Expensive
  • Recent Updates

    January 31, 2022:Updated existing product links.

    January 28, 2022:Removed discontinued Sonax Clear View Windshield Washer Concentrate. Updated product link for Prestone AS658P All Season 3-in-1 Year Round Windshield Washer Fluid. Replaced Wemk Windshield Washer Tablets with Dokiko brand.

    December 2, 2020:Updated with new product recommendations.

    5 лучших жидкостей для стеклоомывателя для вашего автомобиля

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